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How to delete/search existence by Composite Primary Key in Spring data JPA?



I'm having an Entity with a composite primary key as below. Also a repository with exists and delete operations using the tokeId composite key as below.

public class Token {

    private String setId;

    private String id;

    private long expiration;

    private boolean active;

    private boolean setActive;
public interface TokenRepositorySql extends JpaRepository<Token, TokenId> {

    void deleteByIdIn(List<TokenId> id);

    boolean existsByIdAndActiveTrueAndExpirationGreaterThan(TokenId tokenId, long currentTimestamp);


In both delete and exists functions, hibernate fails to map Id as TokenId. Rather it's expecting a String id. Below is the exception.

Parameter value element [com.abc.security.token.repository.sql.entity.TokenId@458c58e3] did not match expected type [java.lang.String (n/a)]


If I pass the values of the composite key separately in the repository, this seems to be working. But I want a way to use the composite key straightly.

Any help is highly appreciated.


I've also found this unanswered question in the SO.


CodePudding user response:

@Embeddable and @EmbeddedId annotations can serve the purpose here.

First, you can annotate your TokenId class with @Embeddable class level annotation as follows:

public class TokenId {

    private String field1;

    private String field2;

Then use the above Embeddable class as embeddedId in parent class as follows:

public class Token {

    private TokenId id;

    private long expiration;

    private boolean active;

    private boolean setActive;
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