I'm trying to estimate gas value in eth, for USDT transfer, but we3.js gives me only IVALID OPCODE error...
code example
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('https://cloudflare-eth.com/');
const token = new web3.eth.Contract([{
'constant': false,
'inputs': [{
'internalType': 'address',
'name': 'recipient',
'type': 'address',
}, {
'internalType': 'uint256',
'name': 'amount',
'type': 'uint256',
'name': 'transfer',
'outputs': [{
'internalType': 'bool',
'name': '',
'type': 'bool',
'payable': false,
'stateMutability': 'nonpayable',
'type': 'function',
}], '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7');
const to = '0x....';
const from = '0x.....'
.transfer(to, web3.utils.toWei('1'))
can't find any working example for this. At the end i want to get near same value as metamask gives me...
UPDATE after Petr Hejda answer:
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('https://cloudflare-eth.com/');
const token = new web3.eth.Contract([{
'constant': false,
'inputs': [{
'internalType': 'address',
'name': 'recipient',
'type': 'address',
}, {
'internalType': 'uint256',
'name': 'amount',
'type': 'uint256',
'name': 'transfer',
'outputs': [{
'internalType': 'bool',
'name': '',
'type': 'bool',
'payable': false,
'stateMutability': 'nonpayable',
'type': 'function',
}], '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7');
const to = '0x..';
const from = '0x..'
const value = web3.utils.toWei('1', 'mwei');
.then(gasPrice => {
.transfer(to, value)
const txPriceWei = estimatedGas * gasPrice;
const txPriceEth = web3.utils.fromWei(txPriceWei.toString(), 'ether');
const txPriceUSD = txPriceEth * 1800;
estimatedGas, txPriceWei, txPriceEth, txPriceUSD
Now it works, and estimates.. Something. It is near metamask value, but is about 30% less. Where could i miss this 30%?
CodePudding user response:
Based on the values provided in the code, I'm assuming that you're trying to calculate gas fees for transfering 1 USDT on the Ethereum mainnet.
The web3js toWei()
function convers a number to an EVM-compatible value with 18 decimal places. However, the USDT token uses only 6 decimals.
Because of this discrepancy, your code is effectively tying to calculate gas costs of transferring
tokens (10^18 / 10^6 = 10^12
Since the from
address doesn't have a trillion USDT, the transaction is expected to revert. And, in the underlying low-level EVM bytecode, a revert is triggered by the IVALID