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PySpark: how to convert blank to null in one or more columns


For a DataFrame I need to convert blank strings ('', ' ', ...) to null values in a set of columns.

df = spark.createDataFrame([
  ('ball', 'medium', '', 'blue'),
  ('pencil', 'small', '5g', ''),
  ('paper', ' ', ' ', 'white')
], ['product', 'size', 'weight', 'color'])

I can do it for each column one by one, but its too lazy when we have many dataframes and columns.

from pyspark.sql.functions import when, trim, col

df = df \
 .withColumn('size', when(trim(col('size')) == '', None).otherwise(col('size'))) \
 .withColumn('weight', when(trim(col('weight')) == '', None).otherwise(col('weight'))) \
 .withColumn('color', when(trim(col('color')) == '', None).otherwise(col('color')))

How should I do the transformation in a more generic way, avoiding code replication?

CodePudding user response:

What about this neater one :-)?

df.select('*',*[when(trim(df[x])=='',None).otherwise(df[x]).alias(F"{x}_new") for x in df.columns]).show()

Or even better

df.select(*[when(trim(df[x])=='',None).otherwise(df[x]).alias(x) for x in df.columns]).show()

 ------- ------ ------ ----- 
|product|  size|weight|color|
 ------- ------ ------ ----- 
|   ball|medium|  null| blue|
| pencil| small|    5g| null|
|  paper|  null|  null|white|
 ------- ------ ------ ----- 

CodePudding user response:

You can encapsulate in a function and add it to the DataFrame class

from pyspark.sql.functions import when, trim, col
from pyspark.sql.dataframe import DataFrame

def blank_to_null(self, *col_names):
  for col_name in col_names:
     self = self.withColumn(
       when(trim(col(col_name)) == '', None) \
  return self

DataFrame.blank_to_null = blank_to_null

Very simple now

df = df.blank_to_null('size', 'weight', 'color')

enter image description here

A good practice to extend the DataFrame class is to declare an extension function and add it to a custom property

from pyspark.sql.functions import when, trim, col
from pyspark.sql.dataframe import DataFrame

# decorator to attach a function to an attribute
def add_attr(cls):
    def decorator(func):
        def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            f = func(*args, **kwargs)
            return f

        setattr(cls, func.__name__, _wrapper)
        return func

    return decorator

# DataFrame custom functions (blank_to_null)
def custom(self):
    def blank_to_null(*col_names):
      df = self
      for col_name in col_names:
         df = df.withColumn(
           when(trim(col(col_name)) == '', None) \
      return df
    return custom

# add new property to the Class pyspark.sql.DataFrame
DataFrame.custom = property(custom)

Still simple to use

df = df.custom.blank_to_null('size', 'weight', 'color')
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