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Apps Script : write value in widget from server side


i would like to create a modal in Apps Script where the user needs to type a number in an input and, when he clicks in "search" button, the text in reference to this number is write in other input.

This is my script (server side) :

 function include(filename){
   return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename).getContent();

 function ajoutLigne() {
   const classeur = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
   const feuille = classeur.getActiveSheet();
   var widget; 
   widget = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("widget.html").evaluate();
   ui.showModalDialog(widget, "Ajout d'une nouvelle ligne");

 function getLibelle(codeArticle){
   const classeur = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
   const feuille = classeur.getSheetByName("BASE ARTICLE");
   var lastRow = feuille.getLastRow();
   var tDonnees = feuille.getRange("B2:C" lastRow).getValues();
   var nbDonnees = tDonnees.filter(String).length;
   var result = "";
   for (let i = 0; i < nbDonnees; i   ){
     if(tDonnees[i][0] == codeArticle){
       result =  tDonnees[i][1];
   return result;

This is my HTML's widget page :

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <base target="_top">    
     <?!= include('JavaScript'); ?>
     <p>Quel code article souhaitez-vous ajouter ?</p><input type="text" id="codeArticle"/>
     <input type="button"  value="Recherche" onclick="rechercheLibelle();">

     <p> Libellé correspondant : </p>
     <p id="libelle"></p>


And this is my JavaScript's HTML page :

   function rechercheLibelle(){
      var codeArticle = document.getElementById("codeArticle").value;
      var test = google.script.run.getLibelle(codeArticle);
      document.getElementById("libelle").innerHTML = test;    

When i launch in other function getLibelle with a correct value, it's work perfectly. But when i launch rechercheLibelle in the Javascript's HMTL page, i've "undefined" in value for test's variable result.

Anyone can help me with that please. I think the problem comes to "google.script.run.getLibelle(codeArticle)" but i don't know how to translate the result from server side to my widget's html page. Thank you for advance to your help

CodePudding user response:

In your script, how about the following modification?


var test = google.script.run.getLibelle(codeArticle);
document.getElementById("libelle").innerHTML = test;  


google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(test => {
  document.getElementById("libelle").innerHTML = test;
  • When the script of getLibelle at Google Apps Script is finished, the returned value can be retrieved by withSuccessHandler at Javascript.


  • When I saw your Google Apps Script, getLibelle might be able to be modified for reducing the process cost. So, how about the following modification using TextFinder?

      function getLibelle(codeArticle) {
        const classeur = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
        const feuille = classeur.getSheetByName("BASE ARTICLE");
        const lastRow = feuille.getLastRow();
        const tDonnees = feuille.getRange("B2:B"   lastRow).createTextFinder(codeArticle).findNext();
        return tDonnees ? tDonnees.offset(0, 1).getValue() : "Value was not found.";


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