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LeetCode - Minimum Size Subarray Sum


[Minimum Size Subarray Sum][1]

The leetcode question is given an array of n positive integers and a positive integer t, find the minimal length of a contiguous subarray such that the sum ≥ t. If there isn't one, return 0 instead.

The following is my code.

class Solution(object):
def minSubArrayLen(self, target, nums):
    :type target: int
    :type nums: List[int]
    :rtype: int
    start_idx = 0
    end_idx = 0
    min_len = float('inf')

    while end_idx < len(nums):
        if sum(nums[start_idx:end_idx   1]) < target:
            end_idx  = 1
            min_len = min(end_idx - start_idx   1, min_len)
            start_idx  = 1
    return 0 if min_len == float('inf') else min_len

My code did not pass the following test case, and the error is Time Limit Exceeds


My code only works fine on small array and will take a lot of time if the array is large. The problem might be sum(nums[start_idx:end_idx 1]) because this is very inefficient in Python. But I do not know exactly what the problem is with my code and why.

Could anyone help me with this? Thank you!

[1] https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-size-subarray-sum/

CodePudding user response:

Yes, sum(nums[start_idx:end_idx 1]) is insufficient. It recalculate the sum from start_idx to end_idx, and it is called len(nums) times. Instead, we can use a variable sub_sum to store the sum of subarray. Then we just need to do the add/subtract operations on sub_sum, and don't need to call sum() function.

class Solution(object):
    def minSubArrayLen(self, target, nums):
        :type target: int
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        start_idx = 0
        end_idx = 0
        min_len = float('inf')
        sub_sum = 0

        while end_idx < len(nums):
            sub_sum  = nums[end_idx]
            if sub_sum >= target:
                while (sub_sum - nums[start_idx] >= target):
                    sub_sum -= nums[start_idx]
                    start_idx  = 1
                min_len = min(end_idx - start_idx   1, min_len)
            end_idx  = 1

        return 0 if min_len == float('inf') else min_len
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