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Column list structure to CSV


I need to generate a report csv with this structure

public class ReportColumn
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public List<string> Childs { get; set; } = new List<string>();

to this CSV structure

Header field 1; Header field 2; Header field 3
lorem ipsum; lorem ipsum; lorem ipsum;
lorem ipsum; lorem ipsum; lorem ipsum;

My difficult is to relate the correct line field with their column parent

public string DrawCsv(List<ReportColumn> reportColumns)

CodePudding user response:

It seems impossible =)

CSV is a row-oriented structure. You need to reorganize your data.

For example, create a model that corresponds to your row:

    public class ReportRow
        [Description("Name 1")]
        public string Column1 { get; set; }

        [Description("Name 2")]
        public string Column2 { get; set; }

        [Description("Name 3")]
        public string Column3 { get; set; }

In this case, the method that makes CSV string will be:

    public static string DrawCsv(List<ReportRow> rows, bool showHeader = false)
        var result = string.Empty;

        if (showHeader)
            var header = string.Empty;
            var r = rows.First();
            foreach (var prop in r.GetType().GetProperties())
                DescriptionAttribute attr = (DescriptionAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true)[0];
                header  = attr.Description   "; ";
            result  = header.TrimEnd()   Environment.NewLine;

        foreach (var row in rows)
            var line = string.Empty;
            foreach (var prop in row.GetType().GetProperties())
                line  = prop.GetValue(row)   "; ";
            result  = line.TrimEnd()   Environment.NewLine;

        return result;

With DescriptionAttribute you are able to avoid creating a special field for column naming. Now we can test this:

        var reportRows = new List<ReportRow>
            new ReportRow { Column1 = "Lorem ipsum 1", Column2 = "dolor sit 1", Column3 = "amet 1" },
            new ReportRow { Column1 = "Lorem ipsum 2", Column2 = "dolor sit 2", Column3 = "amet 2" },
            new ReportRow { Column1 = "Lorem ipsum 3", Column2 = "dolor sit 3", Column3 = "amet 3" }

        var str = DrawCsv(reportRows, true);

Result will be:

Name 1; Name 2; Name 3;
Lorem ipsum 1; dolor sit 1; amet 1;
Lorem ipsum 2; dolor sit 2; amet 2;
Lorem ipsum 3; dolor sit 3; amet 3;

I hope it helps you =)

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