Home > Enterprise >  How to add % into Pandas pivot table using Altair
How to add % into Pandas pivot table using Altair


I am working on a survey and the data looks like this:

ID    Q1    Q2    Q3    Gender    Age    Dept
001   Y      N    Y      F         22     IT
002   N      Y    Y      M         35     HR
003   Y      N    N      F         20     IT
004   Y      N    Y      M         54     OPRE
005   Y      N    Y      M         42     OPRE

So I created a pivot table like this:

Q1    #Respondents      %Res
Y        4               80
N        1               20

If I would like to slice it by Gender, then it should be like:

Q1      #Res        %Rep
       M    F      M    F
Y      2    2      50   50
N      1    0      100   0

And if I want this to be applied to all the questions, I'd like to use Altiar which enables me to choose the question so that I don't need to execute the codes all the time. So far, I only know how to create simple table by:

Q1 = pd.pivot_table(df,values = ['ID'], 
                index = ["Q1"], 
                aggfunc ={'ID': 'count', })
Q1['%Respondents'] = (Q1['ID']/Q1['ID'].sum())*100

I don't know how to break it by gender and apply Altair. Please let me know if you could help! Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

To break by gender. Just utilized it as index, and then unstack it

Q1 = pd.pivot_table(df,values = ['ID'], 
                index = ["Q1","Gender"], 
                aggfunc ={'ID': 'count', }).unstack(level = 0)

Unfurtunataly cant help you with you graph

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you can pivot_table then add the result of division as a new foo column %Respondents

out = df.pivot_table(index='Q1', columns=['Gender'], values=['ID'], aggfunc='count', fill_value=0)
out = (out.join(out[['ID']].div(out['ID'].sum(axis=1).values, axis=0)

       ID    %Respondents
Gender  F  M            F      M
N       0  1          0.0  100.0
Y       2  2         50.0   50.0
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