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Implementing pseudocode in JavaScript


I'm quite new to JavaScript and I'm trying to implement my code in pseudocode in JavaScript, however I'm not getting the result that I'm supposed to. I want the function to permute the elements of the array p places to the left. In pseudocode I'm using a queue data structure, but I thought I can as well us an array. As the result of my function, I get an array with [2, 2, 2, 2]. Can you please help me out?

My code in pseudocode:

Function PERMUTEVECTOR(row, p)

    If p=0 then

        Return row

    End if

    New Queue q

    For 0<= i <4 do

        ENQUEUE[row[i], q]

    End for


    For 1<= i <= p do



    End for


    For 0<=i<4 do

        Row[i] <- HEAD[q]


    End for

    Return row

End function

My code in JavaScript:

function permute_vector(row, p)


  if (p=0)

  {return row}


  let q = new Array()

  for (i=0; i<4; i  )





for (i=0; i<p; i  )






  for (i=0; i<4; i  )


    row[i] = q[0]



return row



px = permute_vector([2,4,1,3], 1)

console.log("px is:", px)


I did the same in Python and it works fine:

def permute_vector(row, p):

  if p==0:

    return row

  q = []

  for i in range(4):



  for i in range(p):



  for i in range(4):

    row[i] = q[0]


  return row

What am I doing wrong with my JavaScript code?

Many thanks!

CodePudding user response:

if (p=0) {return row}

this should be if (p === 0) {return row}

CodePudding user response:

In javascript, Array.pop() removes the last element. You need Array.shift() for removing the first one.

function permute_vector(row, p)


  if (p===0) // in js, checks are with == (loose) or === (strict).
             // = is for assignment and you were assigning p to 0 here.

  {return row}


  let q = new Array()

  for (i=0; i<4; i  )





for (i=0; i<p; i  )



    q.shift() // shift instead of pop



  for (i=0; i<4; i  )


    row[i] = q[0]

    q.shift() // shift instead of pop


return row



px = permute_vector([2,4,1,3], 1)

console.log("px is:", px)


CodePudding user response:

Two mistakes:

  • Comparisons need double or triple equal signs. In fact, you should prefer triple equal signs as you can read in this question/answer.
  • In python pop() accepts an index to remove a specific item. You're making use of that to remove the first item. In JavaScript Array.pop() merely is capable of removing the last item. Use Array.shift() to remove the first item.

Working code:

function permute_vector(row, p) {
  if (p === 0) {
    return row;
  let q = new Array();
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i  ) {
  for (i = 0; i < p; i  ) {

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i  ) {
    row[i] = q[0];

  return row;

px = permute_vector([2, 4, 1, 3], 1);

console.log("px is:", px);

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