Home > Enterprise >  Null object when passing value from textArea inside Foreach to OnPost (object is IEnumerable)
Null object when passing value from textArea inside Foreach to OnPost (object is IEnumerable)


I have the following CSHTML class:

@model WorkInProgress.Pages.Expenditures
    <th class = text-start>Task Number</th>
    <th class = text-start>Expenditure Type</th>
    <th class = text-end>Item Date</th>
    <th class = text-end>Billable</th>
    <th class = text-end>Vendor Id</th>
    <th class = text-start>Vendor Name</th>
    <th class = text-end>Revenue Amount</th>
    <th class = text-end>Comments</th>

@foreach (var expenditure in Model.ExpendituresList)
        <td class = text-start>@expenditure.TaskNumber</td>
        <td class = text-start>@expenditure.ExpenditureType</td>
        <td class = text-end>@expenditure.ExpenditureItemDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")</td>
        <td class = text-end>@expenditure.BillableFlag</td>
        <td class = text-end>@expenditure.VendorId</td>
        <td class = text-start>@expenditure.SupplierName</td>
        <td class = text-end>@expenditure.ProjFuncRevenueAmount</td>
        @Html.HiddenFor(model => expenditure.ExpenditureItemId)
        <td class=text-end>
            <textarea  asp-for="@Model.ExpendituresList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ExpenditureItemId == expenditure.ExpenditureItemId)!.ExpenditureComment"  rows="1"></textarea>
<div >
    <button type="submit"  asp-page-handler="Button">Save</button></div>

in which I'm trying to have something like this:

and then from there, capture the text in the textArea and send it to the Post with the value for the textArea (that I want to put in expenditure.ExpenditureComment

the class that fills the expenditures is

 [BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]  
        public IEnumerable<Expenditure> ExpendituresList { get; set; }

with the properties for public decimal ExpenditureItemId { get; set; } and public string? ExpenditureComment { get; set; }

however when debbugging the OnPost after clicking "Save" the object ExpenditureList returns empty.

I think my issue is in the way I'm setting the <TextArea> element. but I've been trying different setups and not being able to make it work

CodePudding user response:

I agree with @pcalkins, and since you need to post all rows in the table, so you need to make sure each line of the <textarea> have the unique name to make sure all the rows can be submit, so you have to use @for instead of @foreach.

I did a test in my side and pls note I defined List<Expenditures> instead of IEnumerable

public class Expenditures
    public int ExpenditureItemId { get; set; }
    public string? ExpenditureComment { get; set; }

public class ViewMode {
    public List<Expenditures> ExpendituresList { get; set; }

And this is my page:

@model ViewMode
<form method="post" asp-action="saveData">
        <th class = text-start>Task Number</th>
        <th class = text-end>Comments</th>
    @for (var x = 0; x < Model.ExpendituresList.Count(); x  )
            <td class = text-start asp-for="@Model.ExpendituresList[x].ExpenditureItemId">@Model.ExpendituresList[x].ExpenditureItemId</td>
            <td class=text-end>
                <textarea  asp-for="@Model.ExpendituresList[x].ExpenditureComment"  rows="1"></textarea>
<div >
    <button type="submit" >Save</button>

This is my controller:

    public void saveData( ViewMode vms)
        var a = vms;

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