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Jackson - Generics- T as reified parameter


I'm trying to implement an abstract message-consumer with kotlin and jackson for RabbitMQ. The setup for the consumers works fine, so I omit that in the code-snippets. The Problem is only in regard to parsing the String-payload to a generic-type object.

My Goal is to have an abstract class like :

abstract class AbstractRetryConsumer<T>(val queueName:String) : MessageListener {
// Autowiring and seting up the Beans
    override fun onMessage(msg: Message) {
       val msgPayload = String(msg.body, Charsets.UTF_8)
  // the following line doesn't compile
       val readValue = objectMapper.readValue<T>(msgPayload)

    abstract fun processEvent(payload: T)

Then I'd be able to implement a Consumer like:

class NotificationConsumer(
) : AbstractRetryConsumer<Notification>("myQueue") {

// gets the payload as a parsed object
    override fun processEvent(payload: Notification) {
        println("payload ist: $payload")

The compiler won't accept that. The error is: Cannot use 'T' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.

I know there are many similar questions, but I didn't find an answer to my problem.

Thanks for your inquires and answers

CodePudding user response:

When using the Jackson Kotlin module, the object mapper has an inline extension readValue with reified generic parameter. Since the paramter in your call objectMapper.readValue<T>(msgPayload) is reified, your class AbstractRetryConsumer<T> also needs to define a reified parameter T. However, that means your class has to be inline, and it looks too big to be inline. Therefore, you should add a JavaClass argument to your constructor and call the non-extension version of readValue:

val readValue = objectMapper.readValue(msgPayload, payloadClass)
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