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BigQuery - Extract first non-null value from JSON collection


Here is how my collection looks:

What I would like to is to get a first non-null value from it, something like json-coalesce(my_collection,"$") returing 5 in the first case and true in the second.

What's the best way to do this without handling each key individually?

CodePudding user response:

Consider below approach

create temp function values(input string) returns array<string> language js as """
  return Object.values(JSON.parse(input));
select my_collection,
  ( select val
    from unnest(values(my_collection)) val with offset
    where not val is null
    order by offset
    limit 1
  ) as first_not_null_value
from your_table          

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Not a general solaution, but using a regex,

SELECT TRIM(REGEXP_EXTRACT(json, r'(?U):\s*([^(null)].*)\s*[,}]'), '"') non_null 
  FROM sample;

assumption: a value is a primitive type, i.e. integer, string.

output will be:

enter image description here

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