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How to parse out in R?


I have a blurb of text in 500 rows in 1 of the many columns as below:

{'Smart Remote': ['Yes'], 'Color Screen': ['Yes'], 'RF Capable': ['Yes'], 'Internet Access': ['Yes']}

I need to append number of columns like this:

Smart Remote : Yes, Color Screen : Yes, RF Capable : Yes, Internet Access : Yes

Note that entries in {} are random in order, with few unique entries per row

Edit : Added image snip of data set


CodePudding user response:

Sample data, I hope this is close enough to what you have:

dat <- structure(list(id = 1:2, txt = c("{'Smart Remote': ['Yes'], 'Color Screen': ['Yes'], 'RF Capable': ['Yes'], 'Internet Access': ['Yes']}", "{'RF Capable': ['No'], 'Internet Access': ['No'],'Smart Remote': ['No'], 'Color Screen': ['No']}")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))

(Note that I varied the data and the order of the fields.)


# library(tidyr) # unnest
# library(jsonlite) # fromJSON
dat %>%
  mutate(data = lapply(txt, \(x) data.frame(jsonlite::fromJSON(gsub("'", '"', x)), check.names = FALSE))) %>%
# # A tibble: 2 x 6
#      id txt                                                                                                   `Smart Remote` `Color Screen` `RF Capable` `Internet Access`
#   <int> <chr>                                                                                                 <chr>          <chr>          <chr>        <chr>            
# 1     1 {'Smart Remote': ['Yes'], 'Color Screen': ['Yes'], 'RF Capable': ['Yes'], 'Internet Access': ['Yes']} Yes            Yes            Yes          Yes              
# 2     2 {'RF Capable': ['No'], 'Internet Access': ['No'],'Smart Remote': ['No'], 'Color Screen': ['No']}      No             No             No           No               


# library(jsonlite) # fromJSON
DT <- as.data.table(dat)
DT[, c(.SD, rbindlist(lapply(txt, \(x) jsonlite::fromJSON(gsub("'", '"', x))), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE))]
#       id                                     txt Smart Remote Color Screen RF Capable Internet Access
#    <int>                                  <char>       <char>       <char>     <char>          <char>
# 1:     1 {'Smart Remote': ['Yes'], 'Color Scr...          Yes          Yes        Yes             Yes
# 2:     2 {'RF Capable': ['No'], 'Internet Acc...           No           No         No              No

CodePudding user response:

If the data is supposed to be JSON, there is an error in it: quotes around a JSON object should always be double quotes, while this data uses mostly single quotes. As such, R's JSON libraries can't seem to load it.

We can't just replace all single quotes with double quotes: this data uses double quotes whenever there are single quotes inside a string; we need to make sure that those single quotes remain untouched:

enter image description here

Replacing ' with "

From the excerpt we can distill the task of this transformation:

in: {'Details':["We'll facilitate"]}
out: {'Details':['We\'ll facilitate']}

We don't know yet what the input looks like when two types of quotes are present in a string:

  • {'Details':["We'll facilitate \"everything\" "]} or
  • {'Details':['We\'ll facilitate "everything" ']}
  • or maybe some completely different way of escaping.

For now I'll handle just the first transformation, and ignore the second.

The function below walks through a string, remembers if we're inside single or double quotes, and changes single quotes to double quotes accordingly:

repairString <- function(string) {
  cat('in:', string, '\n')
  inside <- FALSE  # store if we're inside single / double quotes or none at all
  i <- 1           # string index
  while(i <= nchar(string)) {
    chr <- substr(string, i, i)  # get single character
    if(chr %in% c("'", '"')) {   # check if ' or "
      if(isFALSE(inside)) {      # not yet inside quotes: we're entering them
        inside <- chr
        swap <- TRUE
      } else if(inside == chr) { # inside the same quotes: we're exiting them now
        inside <- FALSE
        swap <- TRUE
      } else {                   # inside the other type of quote: we need to skip this one
        swap <- FALSE
      # swap ' for " if required
      if(swap & chr == "'") string <- paste0(substr(string, 1, i-1), '"', substr(string, i 1, nchar(string)))
    i <- i 1


> repairString("{'Details':[\"We'll facilitate\"]}")

in: {'Details':["We'll facilitate"]} 
out: {"Details":["We'll facilitate"]} 

For this small example dataset I mocked up, we can use this function to repair all strings and store them in the data frame:

df <- structure(list(features = c("{'Smart Remote': ['Yes'], 'Color Screen': ['Yes'], 'RF Capable': ['Yes'], 'Internet Access': ['Yes']}", 
                                  "{'Hypergalactic': ['No'], 'Waterproof': ['No','Well, sometimes'], 'Good With Dogs': [\"No they're very bad with dogs\"]}"
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))

df$features.fixed <- lapply(df$features, repairString)

Result: enter image description here

Printing the data

Now that the strings are repaired, they can be read, parsed, stored and printed:

# iterate over all rows
lapply(df$features.fixed, function(row) {
  # parse JSON
  row_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(row, simplifyVector = F)
  # join multiple values with ' / '
  row_data <- mapply(function(x) paste0(unlist(x), collapse=' / '), row_data)
  # paste names and values together
  text <- sapply(seq_along(row_data), function(x) paste0(names(row_data)[x], ': ', row_data[x]) )
  # paste multiple 'name: value' strings together
  paste0(text, collapse = '; ')
}) -> df$features.string
> df$features.string
[1] "Smart Remote: Yes; Color Screen: Yes; RF Capable: Yes; Internet Access: Yes"

[1] "Hypergalactic: No; Waterproof: No / Well, sometimes; Good With Dogs: No they're very bad with dogs"
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