I have a String(assume str) received from some DB query. str = " Aa Bk Bo Ac Lc"; But if copied the same string to intelliJ, It shows the invisible chars in str
I have to split this String (i.e.str) to String[] and then to List. And getting this[ZWSP] in splatted Array and in converted List as well. Also tried few/following techniques to trim and remove this, but did not worked.
String str = " Aa Bk Bo Ac Lc";
String[] strArr = str.split("\\ ");
List<String> splitStrList = Arrays.stream(str.split("\\ "))
---Approach 2
String[] array2 = Arrays.stream(strArr).map(String::trim).toArray(String[]::new);
String[] trimmedArray = new String[array2.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i ) {
trimmedArray[i] = array2[i].trim();
List<String> trimmedArrayList = Arrays.asList(trimmedArray);
Also few other approach, but while copying the output to intelliJ IDE seeing those [ZWSP] special chars.
That is creating issue in further processing.
How Can be these spcl chars i.e [ZWSP] removed to get List/Array like [, Aa, Bk, Bo, Ac, Lc]
Will Appreciate all suggestions/solutions to this problem.
CodePudding user response:
That character it's called zero-width space as @Rogue mentions. You could use unicode character to remove it:
str.replace("\u200B", "");
Or you could split the string like:
str.split("\\ \u200B");
And then process the array as you need.
See: https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/200b/index.htm
CodePudding user response:
As mentioned by fellow users I tried the mentioned solution
String str = " Aa Bk Bo Ac Lc";
String[] strArr = str.split("\u200B");
out put : [ Aa, Bk, Bo, Ac, Lc]
String str = " Aa Bk Bo Ac Lc";
String[] strArr = str.split("\\ \u200B");
out put : [ Aa Bk Bo Ac Lc]