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QtQuick/QML Create Expandable SubMenu from PyQt5


I want to create ListView which includes nested ListModel for expanding and collapsing submenu. (The topic that I use while I creating nested expandable listview in App ScreenShot

CodePudding user response:

You didn't emitted any signals while changing the collapsed state. Therefore was there was no way for properties that relay on that role to know that they need to synchronize with it.


@pyqtSlot(int, str)
def collapseEditInputsMenu(self, index, modelIndexName):
    self.itemNames[index][modelIndexName] = not self.itemNames[index][modelIndexName]
    print(f"From Backend: {self.itemNames}")


@pyqtSlot(int, str)
def collapseEditInputsMenu(self, index, modelIndexName):
    self.itemNames[index][modelIndexName] = not self.itemNames[index][modelIndexName]
    print(f"From Backend: {self.itemNames}")

Fully working example

P.S: This is very messy code, I'll list you here a few severe mistakes:


self.engine.rootObjects()[0].setProperty("backendObjectInQML", app_backend)

property QtObject backendObjectInQML

This is redundant you should use instead:

self.engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("backendObjectInQML", app_backend)



If you will use contextProperty as I said above you don't need to access it threw myApplicationWindow

The isCollapsed role from your model is probably redundant and you should have preferred creating a property for your myAppListElementDelegate component. Something like this:

Component {
    id: myAppListElementDelegate
    Column {
        id: listElementColumn
        property bool isCollapsed: false  // <<<---
        width: myNestedListView.width
        Rectangle {
            id: listElementRectangle
            height: 30
            anchors {
                left: parent.left
                right: parent.right
                rightMargin: 15
                leftMargin: 15
            color: "yellow"
            radius: 3
            Text {
                height: 24
                width: 100
                text: assetName
                anchors {
                    verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    left: parent.left
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                color: "black"
            Button {
                id: expandButton
                width: 70
                height: 24
                text: "Expand"
                anchors {
                    right: parent.right
                    rightMargin: 20
                    verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                onClicked: isCollapsed = !isCollapsed
        Loader {
            id: subSolutionEditItemLoader
            visible: !isCollapsed
            property variant subEditItemModel: subItems
            sourceComponent: isCollapsed ? null: subItemEditInputsDelegate
            onStatusChanged: {
                // console.log(subItems)
                if(status == Loader.Ready) item.model = subEditItemModel
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