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Subset columns based on set of randomly generated numbers in R


I want to generate a set of 1000 random numbers between 1 and 20000 to then use those to subset a dataframe.

sample.int(20000, 2000, replace = TRUE) 

Then I want to copy/paste these numbers into this vector

df_sub <- df[,c(65,25,1,6000,1056, ...)]

Is this possible?

CodePudding user response:

No need to copy/paste, just sample directly in the indexing operation:

For example, to randomly select 1000 rows between 1 and 20000 (with replacement):

df[sample(1:20000, 1000, replace=T),]

CodePudding user response:

You can use clipr to write the vector to your clipboard.

s <- sample.int(20000, 2000, replace = TRUE)
vectorToCopy <- s %>%
  stringr::str_c(",", collapse=" ") %>% # sep each element by comma
  stringr::str_sub(., 1, nchar(.)-1) %>% # remove last comma
  str_c("c(", ., ")") # add parentheses
clipr::write_clip(vectorToCopy) # write to clipboard
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