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Sorting large arrays of big numeric stings


I was solving bigSorting() problem from hackerrank:

Consider an array of numeric strings where each string is a positive number with anywhere from 1 to 10^6 digits. Sort the array's elements in non-decreasing, or ascending order of their integer values and return the sorted array.

I know it works as follows:

def bigSorting(unsorted):
    return sorted(unsorted, key=int)

But I didnt guess this approach earlier. Initially I tried below:

def bigSorting(unsorted):
    int_unsorted = [int(i) for i in unsorted]
    int_sorted = sorted(int_unsorted)
    return [str(i) for i in int_sorted]

However, for some of the test cases, it was showing time limit exceeded. Why is it so?

PS: I dont know exactly what those test cases were as hacker rank does not reveal all test cases.

CodePudding user response:

In your code you:

  1. Make a new list of ints converting str -> int.
  2. Make a new sorted list of those ints.
  3. Make another new list of str, converting int --> str.

That's three completely new (possibly massive) lists with multiple conversions.

Using the key=int sorting argument performs the necessary conversions internally during the sort process itself, which means there is never the costly conversion from int -> str.

We can supply Hacker Rank with just this code, and it passes all tests:

import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    n = int(input())

    result = sorted((input() for _ in range(n)), key=int)



Still not 'optimal' perhaps, but from reading through the comments, this does seem to be an expected option. Those performing bucket/merge sorts didn't see much performance gains.

CodePudding user response:

Here you are converting list of numerical string to list of integer and vice a versa.

for each conversion of string to integer ie '123456' to 123456 time is consumed and for every 10x in strig size conversion is increased by 100x time . proofed by @kellybundy in his post

adding code and run time if in case link disappear

from timeit import timeit

print(timeit('str(i)', 'i=10**10**5-1', number=1))
print(timeit('str(i)', 'i=10**10**6-1', number=1))

has run time


so we can say time complexity of your conversion (string to integer)is O(nnm), where n is size of string, m is size of list.

This is where your code is taking time (conversion 2 time apart from sorting).

what you can do apart from orignal solution (sorted(unsorted, key = int) use python sorting of string numerical, where it sort them in lexical order ie 0,1,2,3,4

def bigSorting(unsorted):
    return sorted(unsorted, key= lambda x:(len(x), x))

here code doesn't need to convert the element and then sort, but just sort only. so it will take NlogN time

Now a much much faster solution by @kellybundy (he should add this as solution of his own )

def bigSorting(unsorted):
    return sorted(unsorted, key= lambda x:int(x, 16))
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