Home > Enterprise >  grep match a concat of variable and string (dash) in piped input
grep match a concat of variable and string (dash) in piped input


(NOTE: this is a bash question, not k8s)

I have a working script which will fetch the name


from a list of kubernetes cronjobs, of which there can be up to 32 ie. admin-job-0 -1, -2, -3 ... -31

Question: How do I grep "-$1$" ie a dash, the number, and no more, instead of just the number as I have below?

Bonus question: Is there any way to do what I'm doing below without the if/else logic regardless of whether there's an argument passed?

fetch-admin-job() {
  if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
    name=$(kubectl get cronjob | awk '/^admin-job.*/{print $1}' | grep $1 )
    # get the first one (if any)
    name=$(kubectl get cronjob | awk '/^admin-job.*/{print $1}')
  echo $name

fetch-admin-job 0

CodePudding user response:

You can replace your function code with this:

fetch-admin-job() {
   kubectl get cronjob |
   awk -v n="$1" '!n || $1 == "admin-job-" n {print $1}'

Then invoke it as:

fetch-admin-job 0
fetch-admin-job 4

We are using this condition in awk:

  • !n: will be true when you don't pass anything in first argument
  • ||: OR
  • $1 == "admin-job-" n: Will be used to compare first column in output of kubectl command with first argument you pass. Note that this is equivalent of awk '/^admin-job/ ...' | grep "-$1$".
  • You don't need to use grep on an awk output as awk can handle that part as well.

CodePudding user response:

If you pass to grep a double-hyphen (--), this signals the end of the option and a dash at the start of the pattern does not harm, i.e.

grep -- "$1"
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