Home > Enterprise >  Azure Container Instances: deploy to private ip with yml
Azure Container Instances: deploy to private ip with yml


I'm trying to deploy container with yml. Deployment file looks like this:

apiVersion: 2019-12-01
location: westeurope
name: imgeneus-login

    - server: imgeneusregistrytest.azurecr.io
      username: imgeneusregistrytest
      password: #{registryPassword}#

  restartPolicy: OnFailure

  - name: imgeneus-login
      image: imgeneusregistrytest.azurecr.io/imgeneus.login:latest
          cpu: 1
          memoryInGb: 1
      - port: 80
      - port: 30800

      - name: Database__Host
        value: imgeneus-test.mysql.database.azure.com
      - name: Database__Username
        value: aosyatnik
      - name: Database__Password
        value: #{dbPassword}#
      - name: Database__SslMode
        value: Required
      - name: TcpServer__Host
        value: ""

  osType: Linux
      type: Private
      - protocol: tcp
        port: 80
      - protocol: tcp
        port: 30800
   - id: /subscriptions/503236c4-a00c-466c-b7b0-4800e8dec527/resourceGroups/imgeneus-test/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/imgeneus-test/subnets/imgeneus-test
     name: imgeneus-test

type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups

I'm pretty sure, that it's possible to deploy on private network, as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-application-gateway

But in article they are doing it via terminal.

But it fails with error: Code: PrivateIPAddressNotSupported Message: IP Address type in container group 'imgeneus-login' is invalid. Private IP address is only supported when network profile is defined.

I can not find in documentation, how should I provide private network? "network profile is defined" what does it mean?

CodePudding user response:

Code: PrivateIPAddressNotSupported Message: IP Address type in container group 'imgeneus-login' is invalid. Private IP address is only supported when network profile is defined

you need to create a intial container instance using az container instance then only you will able to get network profile and based on which later you can deploy using the YAML defination to the same subnet.

Resaon for above : With the YAML file, you only can specify the network information with network profile id, Refer this.

You can refer this thread for detailed information which encounter the same issue prevoious year

In this official microsoft document you will also get to observe that in starting it creating a first container instance using az container instance and that create a network profile that helping to create a second container instance with private IP using CLI or YAML.

I am trying to reproduce the same in my environment but seems i have few restrication(Policy enable in my Azure Account) to create it. I need to get consent from my admin. But you can try the above suggestion it might works for you.

If still doesn't work then note the below words and reach out to Azure Support to confirm the same.

Network profiles have been deprecated as of the 2021-07-01 API version. If you're using this or a more recent version, ignore any steps and actions related to network profiles.

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