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How to adjust hover in plotly R?


I have data of sales by year and model, which is visualized via enter image description here

If we turn the hover to the second mode, it traces everything together but model: F is accidentally shown on the chart for no reason: enter image description here


df <- data.frame (model  = c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"),
 Year = c(2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2015,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2016,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2017,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2018,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2019,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020,2020),
                  sales = c(450,678,456,344,984,456,234,244,655,789,234,567,234,567,232,900,1005,1900,450,345,567,235,456,345,144,333,555,777,111,444,222,223,445,776,331,788,980,1003,456,434,345,2222,3456,456,678,8911,4560,4567,4566,5555,6666,7777,8888,1233,1255,5677,3411,2344,6122,4533))



# df from the question is unchanged

# visualize the original
(plot <- ggplot(df, 
              aes(Year, node = model, fill = model, value = sales))   
    geom_sankey_bump(space = 0, type = "alluvial", 
                     color = "transparent", smooth = 15)  
    scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "A", alpha = .8)  
    theme_sankey_bump(base_size = 16)) 

ggplotly(plot) -> plp 

#-------- colors --------
# collect the 10 colors
cols <- map_dfr(1:10, function(k){
  nm <- plp$x$data[[k]]$name
  filler <- plp$x$data[[k]]$fillcolor
  c(nm = nm, filler = filler)


#--------------- collect values for hovertext positions ----------
x <- plp$x$data[[1]]$x
inds <- which(x %in% 2015:2020, arr.ind = T)
yrs <- x[inds]

tellMe <- invisible(
      function(m) {
        y <- plp$x$data[[m]]$y
      }) %>% setNames(sort(unique(df$model))) %>% # changed from LETTERS[1:10] 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    mutate(yr = yrs %>% as.integer()) %>% 
    pivot_longer(names_to = "model", values_to = "sales", 
                 cols = sort(unique(df$model))) %>% 
    distinct() %>% 
    group_by(yr, model) %>% 
    summarise(val = mean(sales)) %>% 
    left_join(df, by = c("yr" = "Year", "model" = "model")) %>% 
    as.data.frame() # drop groups

#-------------- create data trace for hovertext --------------
plot_ly(tellMe, x = ~yr, y = ~val, split = ~model, 
        customdata = ~sales, text = ~model,
        line = list(width = .01, shape = "spline", smoothing = 1.3),
        hovertemplate = "Year: %{x}<br>Model: %{text}<br>Sales: %{customdata}<extra></extra>",
        type = "scatter", mode = "lines", showlegend = F) -> pp2

# change colors to match sankey
pp2 <- plotly_build(pp2)
      function(z) {
        nm <- pp2$x$data[[z]]$name
        # collect and assign the color
        cr <- unlist(cols[cols$nm == nm, "filler"], use.names = F)
        pp2$x$data[[z]]$line$color <<- cr

#-------------- consolidate the traces (subplot won't work) -----------
# collect data one more time!
dx <- plp$x$data
yx <- pp2$x$data
yx <- append(yx, dx) # put plt on top

# replace data 
plp$x$data <- yx

# lines are small, increase the distance searched for matches
plp %>% layout(hoverdistance = 40)

CodePudding user response:

Right before you call the plot, you could use this to remove the hover data that only includes "Model ..."

It seems that if you do it and then do a bunch of manipulation, you get some odd results, like Plotly re-adding this information. So this has to be done towards the end.

    x <- length(plp$x$data[[k]]$x)
    if(x > 3000) {
      plp$x$data[[k]]$text <<- NULL
      plp$x$data[[k]]$hoverinfo <<- "none"

Without the other label, you could improve the hover response with a larger increase in hoverdistance.

plp %>% layout(hoverdistance = 80)

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

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