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Xamarin error


Programming environment: Win10 enterprise edition 64
IDE: VS2017

Problem: the project is running normally, without any code changes don't know what's the cause of the open operation error:

Severity code shows the project file line prohibits display status
Error ADB0000: Deployment failed
Xamarin. AndroidTools. AndroidDeploymentException: ArchitectureNotSupported - & gt; Mono. AndroidTools. IncompatibleCpuAbiExceptiopn: The package does not support The CPU architecture of this device.
In Mono. AndroidTools. Internal. AdbOutputParsing. CheckInstallSuccess (String output, String packageName)
In Mono. AndroidTools. AndroidDevice. & lt;> C__DisplayClass95_0. & lt; InstallPackage> B__0 (Task ` 1 t)
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. ContinuationTaskFromResultTask ` 1. InnerInvoke ()
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. The Execute ()
- at the end of the inner exception stack trace -- -- --
In Xamarin. AndroidTools. AndroidDeploySession. & lt; InstallPackage> D__107. MoveNext ()
- an exception is thrown on a position in the stack trace to the end of the -- -- --
The System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. TaskAwaiter. ThrowForNonSuccess (Task Task)
The System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. TaskAwaiter. HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (Task Task)
The System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. TaskAwaiter. ValidateEnd (Task Task)
In Xamarin. AndroidTools. AndroidDeploySession. & lt; RunAsync> D__101. MoveNext ()
- an exception is thrown on a position in the stack trace to the end of the -- -- --
The System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. TaskAwaiter. ThrowForNonSuccess (Task Task)
The System.Runtime.Com pilerServices. TaskAwaiter. HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (Task Task)
In Xamarin. AndroidTools. AndroidDeploySession. & lt; RunLoggedAsync> D__99. MoveNext () 0
Severity code shows the project file line prohibits display status
Error ADB0020: The package does not support The CPU architecture of this device.
In Mono. AndroidTools. Internal. AdbOutputParsing. CheckInstallSuccess (String output, String packageName)
In Mono. AndroidTools. AndroidDevice. & lt;> C__DisplayClass95_0. & lt; InstallPackage> B__0 (Task ` 1 t)
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. ContinuationTaskFromResultTask ` 1. InnerInvoke ()
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. The Execute () 0
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