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With use PathVariable CSS not loading and how to fill form to update in thymeleaf


I am trying to do same small service and sometimes I am sending requests to my Rest Api. I am getting two problems:

  1. How to fill field in form in html using thymeleaf? I have form like this and would like to fill fields with current values (th:value="${}" - not working for me):

    <form th:action="@{/offences/edit}" method="post" th:object="${createOffenceForm}"> <input th:field="*{name}" th:value="${currentOffence.name}"/> <input th:field="*{penaltyPoints}" th:value="${currentOffence.penaltyPoints}"/> <input th:field="*{amountOfFine}" th:value="${currentOffence.amountOfFine}"/> <button type="submit">UPDATE</button> </form>

  2. The problem is with loading css styles to html when I redirect to the site with path variable. For example i created html with two buttons. First one is hardcoded:

    <a th:href="@{/offences/test}" style="text-decoration: none"><button type="submit">EDIT</button></a>

after redirect my site looks like this (everything works, it should be like that): ` site with normal look

and here is after second button - redirect with path variable: <a th:href="@{'/offences/edit/' ${offence.id}}" style="text-decoration: none"><button type="submit">EDIT</button></a>

and view after load: broken view

CodePudding user response:

For the issue with your form data not being filled, this is because th:field and th:value are not meant to be used at the same time. So th:field ends up overwriting you value. In your case I would suggest either manualy setting name (and id) or replacing th:object with the a filled version of the bean you want to return and only using th:field

As for the second issue it looks like a faulty fragment return on a post call to me but need to atleast have the controller functions and more complete html to say anything about that. And in general it's advisable to have 1 question per problem and not bundle things.

CodePudding user response:

Ok so i found soultion.

  1. To fill fields in form I only had to add to ModelMap form with fields. Something like this and thymeleaf autofilled fields in html.

modelMap.addAttribute("createOffenceForm", new CreateOffenceForm(offenceDTO.getName(), offenceDTO.getPenaltyPoints(), offenceDTO.getAmountOfFine()));

  1. Second solution is simple too. When changed mapping in Controller from @GetMapping("/path/{id}") to @GetMapping("/path-{id}") - everything works. There is no other problems with styles...
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