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SQL Modify Employee Shifts to Show Whole Schedule


I am struggling how to approach this concept in SQL. I have the first layout as a return in SQL:

Emp   | Start |  End  | Option | 
Bob   | 7:30  | 16:00 | Shift  |
Bob   |10:15  | 10:30 | Break  |
Bob   |12:45  | 13:15 | Lunch  |
Bob   |15:00  | 15:15 | Break  |
Frank | 8:30  | 17:00 | Shift  |
Frank |10:30  | 10:45 | Break  |
Frank |12:00  | 12:30 | Lunch  |
Frank |15:15  | 15:30 | Break  |

I am looking for my query to return a whole shift breakdown:

Emp   | Start |  End  | Option | 
Bob   | 7:30  | 10:15 | Work   |
Bob   |10:15  | 10:30 | Break  |
Bob   |10:30  | 12:45 | Work   |
Bob   |12:45  | 13:15 | Lunch  |
Bob   |13:15  | 15:00 | Work   |
Bob   |15:00  | 15:15 | Break  |
Bob   |15:15  | 16:00 | Work   |
Frank | 8:30  | 10:30 | Work   |
Frank |10:30  | 10:45 | Break  |
Frank |10:45  | 12:00 | Work   |
Frank |12:00  | 12:30 | Lunch  |
Frank |12:30  | 15:15 | Work   |
Frank |15:15  | 15:30 | Break  |
Frank |15:30  | 17:00 | Work   |

I was thinking of using a case statement but I didn't know how to approach taking the shift and breaking it down across the remainder of the shift as work. Any help or recommendations are appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

So, let's do this with the following caveats:

  1. Your table layout is precisely how you indicated at the top where you have four rows per person.
  2. Each person has a pattern of WORK-BREAK-WORK-LUNCH-WORK-BREAK-WORK.

You can use a combination of CTE's with some UNIONed queries such as this. I changed a few column names because they are reserved words (start, end, option).

  with breaks as (
  select emp, c_start, c_end, rank() over (partition by emp order by c_start asc) as b_rank
  from my_table
  where category = 'Break'
  lunch as (
  select emp, c_start, c_end
  from my_table
  where category = 'Lunch'
  shift as (
  select emp, c_start, c_end
  from my_table
  where category = 'Shift'
  select distinct t.emp, s.c_start as c_start, b.c_start as c_end, 'Work' as category
    from my_table t 
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp 
    join shift s on t.emp = s.emp 
   where b.b_rank = 1
  select distinct t.emp, b.c_start as c_start, b.c_end as c_end, 'Break' as category
    from my_table t 
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp 
   where b.b_rank = 1
  select distinct t.emp, b.c_end as c_start, l.c_start as c_end, 'Work' as category
    from my_table t 
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp 
    join lunch l on t.emp = l.emp
   where b.b_rank = 1
  select distinct t.emp, l.c_start as c_start, l.c_end as c_end, 'Lunch' as category
    from my_table t 
    join lunch l on t.emp = l.emp
  select distinct t.emp, l.c_end as c_start, b.c_start as c_end, 'Work' as category
    from my_table t 
    join lunch l on t.emp = l.emp
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp
   where b.b_rank = 2
  select distinct t.emp, b.c_start as c_start, b.c_end as c_end, 'Break' as category
    from my_table t 
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp
   where b.b_rank = 2
  select distinct t.emp, b.c_end as c_start, s.c_end as c_end, 'Work' as category
    from my_table t 
    join breaks b on t.emp = b.emp
    join shift s on t.emp = s.emp
   where b.b_rank = 2
  order by 1,2


emp c_start c_end category
Bob 07:30:00 10:15:00 Work
Bob 10:15:00 10:30:00 Break
Bob 10:30:00 12:45:00 Work
Bob 12:45:00 13:15:00 Lunch
Bob 13:15:00 15:00:00 Work
Bob 15:00:00 15:15:00 Break
Bob 15:15:00 16:00:00 Work
Frank 08:30:00 10:30:00 Work
Frank 10:30:00 10:45:00 Break
Frank 10:45:00 12:00:00 Work
Frank 12:00:00 12:30:00 Lunch
Frank 12:30:00 15:15:00 Work
Frank 15:15:00 15:30:00 Break
Frank 15:30:00 17:00:00 Work

Db-fiddle can be found here.

CodePudding user response:

Here's a solution that's a little more terse. It can accommodate any number of breaks, and you can define additional break types if you want. I think the only assumption is that work always follows a break, but that could probably be adjusted if need be.

declare @temp table (emp varchar(10),t1 time, t2 time, opt varchar(10))
declare @index table (optval varchar(10),eval int,shiftname varchar(10))
insert into @temp values  --this is your original data
insert into @index values  --auxiliary definitions

select aa.emp,aa.s,aa.t1,aa.shiftname from
(select a.*,lag(a.t1,1) over(partition by emp order by a.emp,a.t1) as s,i.shiftname  from
((select emp,t1,opt,0 as e from @temp)
union all
(select emp,t2,opt,1 as e from @temp)) a
left join @index i on i.optval=a.opt and i.eval=a.e
) aa
where aa.s is not null
order by aa.emp,aa.s

And the results:

emp start_time end_time shiftname
Bob 07:30:00 10:15:00 Work
Bob 10:15:00 10:30:00 Break
Bob 10:30:00 12:45:00 Work
Bob 12:45:00 13:15:00 Lunch
Bob 13:15:00 15:00:00 Work
Bob 15:00:00 15:15:00 Break
Bob 15:15:00 16:00:00 Work
Frank 08:30:00 10:30:00 Work
Frank 10:30:00 10:45:00 Break
Frank 10:45:00 12:00:00 Work
Frank 12:00:00 12:30:00 Lunch
Frank 12:30:00 15:15:00 Work
Frank 15:15:00 15:30:00 Break
Frank 15:30:00 17:00:00 Work

Thanks for reading, let me know if you want additional commentary!

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