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Using a Case and Select Distinct to Switch Columns and Rows is Returning more Rows than Desired


I have this table:

ID Month Year Use Cost Type
12422 January 2022 NULL NULL ELectricity
12422 February 2022 NULL NULL ELectricity
12422 March 2022 NULL NULL ELectricity
12422 April 2022 13 44 ELectricity
12422 May 2022 NULL NULL ELectricity
12422 June 2022 NULL NULL ELectricity
12422 January 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas
12422 February 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas
12422 March 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas
12422 April 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas
12422 May 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas
12422 June 2022 NULL NULL Natural Gas

I want it to look like:

ID Month Year Electricity Use Electricity Cost Natural Gas Use Natural Gas Cost
12422 January 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 February 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 March 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 April 2022 13 44 NULL NULL
12422 May 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 June 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL

I kind of have it going the way I want with this query

select EUc.ID, EUc.[Year], EUc.[Month], EUc.Electricity_Use, EUc.Electricity_Cost, EUc.Natural_Gas_Use, EUc.Natural_Gas_Cost, EUc.Water_Use, EUc.Water_Cost,
EUc.Diesel_Use, EUc.Diesel_Cost, EUc.Gasoline_Use, EUc.Gasoline_Cost, EUc.Propane_Use, EUc.Propane_Cost
(select distinct EUb.ID, EUb.[Year], EUb.[Month],
    max(case when seq = 3 then [Use] end) Electricity_Use,
    max(case when seq = 3 then [Cost] end) Electricity_Cost,
    max(case when seq = 7 then [Use] end) Natural_Gas_Use,
    max(case when seq = 7 then [Cost] end) Natural_Gas_Cost,
    max(case when seq = 14 then [Use] end) Water_Use,
    max(case when seq = 14 then [Cost] end) Water_Cost,
    max(case when seq = 1 then [Use] end) Diesel_Use,
    max(case when seq = 1 then [Cost] end) Diesel_Cost,
    max(case when seq = 4 then [Use] end) Gasoline_Use,
    max(case when seq = 4 then [Cost] end) Gasoline_Cost,
    max(case when seq = 10 then [Use] end) Propane_Use,
    max(case when seq = 10 then [Cost] end) Propane_Cost
    Select EUa.ID, EUa.[Year], EUa.[Month], EUa.[Metric_Type], EUa.[Cost], EUa.[Use], 
    DENSE_RANK() Over(Order by Metric_Type asc) seq from dbo.Usage as EUa
        ) EUb
GROUP BY ID, [Year], [Month], Metric_Type, [Use], Cost, EUb.seq) as EUc
ORDER BY EUc.ID, EUc.[Year] desc, DATEPART(mm, CAST(EUc.[Month]  '1900' AS DATETIME)) asc

But my select distinct is not solving my need of having only one row per ID/Month/Year combination due to the nature of the original table.

ID Month Year Electricity Use Electricity Cost Natural Gas Use Natural Gas Cost
12422 January 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 February 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 March 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 April 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 April 2022 13 44 NULL NULL
12422 May 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL
12422 June 2022 NULL NULL NULL NULL

I kind of understand -why- it is happening: I have two April rows in the original table, one with NULL and one with data, so the Distinct is making it two separate rows. What I can't figure out is how to make the table I want with the table I have.

CodePudding user response:

Consider conditioning directly on the type field:

SELECT [ID], [Year], [Month], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Electricity' THEN [Use] END) AS [Electricity Use], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Electricity' THEN [Cost] END) AS [Electricity Cost], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Natural Gas' THEN [Use] END) AS [Natural Gas Use], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Natural Gas' THEN [Cost] END) AS [Natural Gas Cost], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Diesel' THEN [Use] END) AS [Diesel Use], 
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'Diesel' THEN [Cost] END) AS [Diesel Cost]
FROM dbo.Usage
GROUP BY [ID], [Year], [Month]
ORDER BY [ID], [Year], [Month]
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