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When trying to convert from long to wide format using "reshape" function in R, the functio


For this data, we are looking at infection present in the udders of sheep. Each animal has a unique ID (in the column: EweID), a date sampled, udder half (R or L in this case), a sample type (BC1 or BC2), Bacteria1_ID (the name of identified bacteria in each sample), Bacteria1_Level (how much of the bacteria is present in the animal, numeric 1-4), Bacteria2_ID, and Bacteria2_Level.

The data frame has 20 rows and the following columns:

EweID      DateSampled      Sample          UdderHalf        Bacteria1_ID    Bacteria1_Level    
numeric    date format     char str           char            char. str.       numeric
1               .             BC2               L             No Growth          NA
1               .             BC1               L            Staph Aureus         3
2               .             BC2               L            Staph Equorum        4
2               .             BC1               L            Staph Oralis         2
3               .             BC2               L                NA              NA
3               .             BC1               L                NA              NA
4               .             BC2               R                NA              NA
4               .             BC1               R                NA              NA
5               .             BC2               R                NA              NA
5               .             BC1               R                NA              NA

The text box cuts off Bacteria2_ID and Bacteria2_Level but those columns are the last two columns from the right hand side.

I used the following code to convert from long to wide format. The goal of doing this would be to get the following new columns to replace the current bacteria columns:


MDFSO <- reshape(data=Data,
                          idvar= c("EweID","DateSampled", "UdderHalf"),          
                          v.names = c("Bacteria1_ID","Bacteria1_Level", "Bacteria2_ID"),
                          timevar = "Sample",

Desired Result Columns:

EweID | DateSampled | UdderHalf | Bacteria1_ID.BC1 | Bacteria1_Level.BC1| Bacteria1_ID.BC2 | Bacteria1_Level.BC2 | Bacteria2_ID.BC1 | Bacteria2_Level.BC1| Bacteria2_ID.BC2 | Bacteria2_Level.BC2 |

Instead, the Bacteria2_Level columns are not being converted to wide format, and these are the following columns I am getting:

EweID | DateSampled | UdderHalf | Bacteria2_Level | Bacteria1_ID.BC1 | Bacteria1_Level.BC1| Bacteria1_ID.BC2 | Bacteria1_Level.BC2 | Bacteria2_ID.BC1 | Bacteria2_ID.BC2 |

Here is the code to recreate the data frame:

Data <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = 20))
colnames(DataN) <- c('EweID', 'DateSampled', 'Sample', 'UdderHalf', 'Bacteria1_ID', 'Bacteria1_Level', 'Bacteria2_ID', 'Bacteria2_Level')

Data$EweID <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10)

Data$DateSampled <- as.Date(c("2021-10-13", "2021-10-13", "2021-10-20", "2021-10-20", "2021-10-27", "2021-10-27", "2021-11-03", "2021-11-03", "2021-11-10", "2021-11-10", "2021-11-17", "2021-11-17", "2021-11-24", "2021-11-24", "2021-12-01", "2021-12-01", "2021-10-13", "2021-10-13", "2021-10-20", "2021-10-20"))

Data$Sample <- c("BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1","BC2", "BC1")

Data$UdderHalf <- c("L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","R","R","R", "R")

Data$Bacteria1_ID <- c("No Growth", "Staph Auerus", "Staph Equorum", "Staph Oralis", "No Growth","No Growth", "No Growth", "No Growth", "No Growth",NA, NA, NA, "Staph Sp", "Staph Auerus", "Staph Oralis", NA, NA, NA,"No Growth","No Growth")

Data$Bacteria1_Level <- c(NA, 3, 4, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2, 1, 4, NA, NA, NA,NA,NA)

Data$Bacteria2_ID <- c("No Growth", "Staph Auerus", "Staph Sp", NA, NA, NA, "Staph Aureus", "No Growth", NA, "No Growth", "No Growth", "No Growth", "No Growth", "No Growth", NA, "Staph Sp", "Staph Aureus", NA, NA, NA )

Data$Bacteria2_Level <- c(NA, 4, 1, NA, NA, NA, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2, 1, NA, NA, NA)

I appreciate your help. Thank you.

CodePudding user response:

Seems like all you're missing is "Bacteria2_Level" from the v.names argument.

MDFSO <- reshape(
  idvar= c("EweID","DateSampled", "UdderHalf"),          
  v.names = c("Bacteria1_ID","Bacteria1_Level", "Bacteria2_ID", "Bacteria2_Level"),
  timevar = "Sample",

CodePudding user response:

This is easier accomplished using the pivot_wider() function from the tidyr package.

            id_cols=c(EweID, DateSampled, UdderHalf),
            names_from = Sample, 
            values_from = c(Bacteria1_ID, Bacteria1_Level, Bacteria2_ID, Bacteria2_Level))

  EweID DateSampled UdderHalf Bacteria1_ID_BC2 Bacteria1_ID_BC1 Bacteria1_Level_BC2 Bacteria1_Level_BC1 Bacteria2_ID_BC2 Bacteria2_ID_BC1 Bacteria2_Level_BC2 Bacteria2_Level_BC1
   <dbl> <date>      <chr>     <chr>            <chr>                          <dbl>               <dbl> <chr>            <chr>                          <dbl>               <dbl>
 1     1 2021-10-13  L         No Growth        Staph Auerus                      NA                   3 No Growth        Staph Auerus                      NA                   4
 2     2 2021-10-20  L         Staph Equorum    Staph Oralis                       4                   2 Staph Sp         NA                                 1                  NA
 3     3 2021-10-27  L         No Growth        No Growth                         NA                  NA NA               NA                                NA                  NA
 4     4 2021-11-03  L         No Growth        No Growth                         NA                  NA Staph Aureus     No Growth                          2                  NA
 5     5 2021-11-10  L         No Growth        NA                                NA                  NA NA               No Growth                         NA                  NA

To rearrange the columns:

answer[, c("EweID", "DateSampled", "UdderHalf", "Bacteria1_ID_BC1", "Bacteria1_Level_BC1", "Bacteria1_ID_BC2",  "Bacteria1_Level_BC2", "Bacteria2_ID_BC1", "Bacteria2_Level_BC1", "Bacteria2_ID_BC2", "Bacteria2_Level_BC2")]
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