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Pivot category column having multiple corresponding value columns


I have the following structure

Company Category Year1 Year2 Year3
MC Online 10 20 25
MC On-site 14 18 20
BK Online 50 34 33
BK On-site 30 31 31

I want to pivot the above table so I get a single row for each of the companies:

Company Year1-Online Year1-On-Site Year2-Online Year2-On-site Year3-Online Year3-On-site
MC 10 14 20 18 25 20
BK 50 30 34 31 33 31

Struggle to get it done. The names of the columns should be a concatenation of both ideally so I know which one refers to what.

CodePudding user response:

Try .set_index(), .stack() followed by .unstack() specified levels:

x = df.set_index(["Company", "Category"]).stack().unstack(level=[1, 2])
x.columns = [f"{b}-{a}" for a, b in x.columns]


  Company  Year1-On-site  Year1-Online  Year2-On-site  Year2-Online  Year3-On-site  Year3-Online
0      BK             30            50             31            34             31            33
1      MC             14            10             18            20             20            25
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