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Reshape () and modify_shape()


df <- data.frame(
code1 = c ("ZAZ","ZAZ","ZAZ","ZAZ","ZAZ","ZAZ","JOZ","JOZ","JOZ","JOZ","JOZ","JOZ","TSV","TSV"), 
code2 = c("NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","NAN","TSA","TSA"),
start = c("Date1.1","Date1.1","Date1.3","Date1.3","Date1.5","Date1.5","Date3.1","Date3.1","Date3.3","Date3.3","Date3.5","Date3.5","Date 5.1","Date 5.1"),
end = c("Date2.1","Date2.1","Date2.3","Date2.3","Date2.5","Date2.5","Date4.1","Date4.1","Date4.3","Date4.3","Date4.5","Date4.5","Date6.1","Date6.1"),
price = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2))

I'm trying to achieve: enter image description here

I have so far done:

df <- df %>% 
group_by(code1, code2,start,end) %>% 
slice_min(price) #%>% 
df <- df[order(df$price),]

All well explained in the image but in brief:

  • To group by code1,code2,start,end and select smallest price for each
  • Reshape sending start,end,price to different columns (max 3 start,end,price per key code1,code2
  • I understand that this can be done within group_modify() but unsure how

Any help so much appreciated! Brian

CodePudding user response:

Here is one way using dplyr and tidyr libraries.

  • For each group (code1, code2, start and end) calculate the minimum value of price.
  • Create an index column for code1 and code2. This is to name start, end and price as start_1, start_2 etc.
  • Get the data in wide format using pivot_wider.

df %>%
  group_by(code1, code2, start, end) %>%
  summarise(price = min(price, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  group_by(code1, code2) %>%
  mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = index, values_from = c(start, end, price),
              names_vary = "slowest")

#  code1 code2 start_1  end_1   price_1 start_2 end_2   price_2 start_3 end_3   price_3
#  <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>
#1 JOZ   NAN   Date3.1  Date4.1       1 Date3.3 Date4.3       3 Date3.5 Date4.5       5
#2 TSV   TSA   Date 5.1 Date6.1       1 NA      NA           NA NA      NA           NA
#3 ZAZ   NAN   Date1.1  Date2.1       1 Date1.3 Date2.3       3 Date1.5 Date2.5       5

Note that names_vary = "slowest" allows to have columns in an orderly fashion (start_1, end_1, price_1... instead of start_1, start_2 ..., end_1, end_2... etc. )

CodePudding user response:

I guess you can try aggregate reshape ave (all from base R)

    aggregate(price ~ ., df, min),
    id = ave(seq_along(price), code1, code2, FUN = seq_along)
  direction = "wide",
  idvar = c("code1", "code2"),
  timevar = "id"

which gives

  code1 code2 start.1   end.1 price.1 start.2   end.2 price.2 start.3   end.3
1   ZAZ   NAN Date1.1 Date2.1       1 Date1.3 Date2.3       3 Date1.5 Date2.5
4   JOZ   NAN Date3.1 Date4.1       1 Date3.3 Date4.3       3 Date3.5 Date4.5
7   TSV   TSA Date5.1 Date6.1       1    <NA>    <NA>      NA    <NA>    <NA>
1       5
4       5
7      NA
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