Home > Enterprise >  How do I find all instances of a string starting with a certain character and replace the rest of th
How do I find all instances of a string starting with a certain character and replace the rest of th


I'm trying to do a (reverse) replace of a certain string found within another string as follows:

$str = 'here is some text <img src="" alt="|||namrepus"> also some more text <img src="" alt="|||namtab">';

I'm looking for a way to get the following as a result:

$str = 'here is some text <img src="" alt="superman" also some more text <img src="" alt="batman">';

Does this require a loop to perform preg_match until it can no longer find instances of |||nam...?

CodePudding user response:

You can use preg_replace_callback for this with strrev in the callback function.

echo preg_replace_callback('/[|]{3}(\w )/', function($match){
    return strrev($match[1]);
    }, 'here is some text <img src="" alt="|||namrepus"> also some more text <img src="" alt="|||namtab">');

[|] searches for a |
{3} searches for 3 of the previous character/group
() creates a capture group, everything matched inside is inside a group
\w is a word character (a-zA-Z0-9_)
is one or more of previous char/group

CodePudding user response:

Here's a long-winded solution, but user3783243 is the better answer.

$str = 'here is some text <img src="" alt="|||namrepus"> also some more text <img src="" alt="|||namtab">';

$i = strpos($str, "|||", $i);
while ($i != false) {

    $j = strpos($str, '"', $i);
    $c = substr($str, $i, $j-$i);
    $r = substr(strrev($c), 0, strlen($c)-3);
    $str = substr_replace($str, $r, $i, $j-$i);
    $i = strpos($str, "|||", $i strlen($c));

echo htmlspecialchars($str);
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