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php unit testing dealing with input text


I am trying to run some basic unit tests for the below code. The trouble i am facing is i am not sure how to deal with the input_text.

sample input_text:


this is the class i would like to test:

function getMaxMin($input_text)
    $lines = explode("newline", $input_text);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
       $line_array = explode(",", $line);
       $module_marks_array = array("module"=>$line_array[0], "marks"=>$line_array[1]);

    usort($module_marks, function($a, $b) {
          return $b['marks'] <=> $a['marks'];

    $maxModule = $module_marks[0]['module'] . ', ' . $module_marks[0]['marks'];
    $minModule = $module_marks[count($module_marks)-1]['module'] . ', ' . $module_marks[count($module_marks)-1]['marks'];
    $maxminModule = $maxModule . 'newline' . $minModule;

    return $maxminModule;

this is what i have so far for test:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class TotalTest extends TestCase {

public function testgetMaxMin(){
        $this->assertSame(60, 40,  getMaxMin('m1,60newlinem2,50newlinem3,40'));

the actual i believe is incorrect, just unsure how to deal with input like this. Any resources or help is much apricated.

CodePudding user response:

put the string on a variable, assertSame takes 3 parameters

assertSame(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = ''])

It throws an error if the first two variables do not have the same type AND value.

The inverse is assertNotSame

All the assertions: PHPUnitAssertions

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