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How can I pass a variable from one view to another


I'm trying to pass a data from a variable in one view to another without using a form, this is the code:

@foreach($ispis as $marka)
    <a href="/marka"  >
      <div >
        <img src="/logoimg/{{$marka->ImeMarke}}.png" alt="">

I want to take the variable $query with the id from the current loop cycle and send/create another view displaying all information from the table with the same id as the $query variable. Im not sure if i need to make a new controller, what do i need to use in web.php to take the data from the variable and send it from a controller to a new view called "/marka".

CodePudding user response:

If I am not wrong, you are tying to make single marka show page.

In Laravel, generally there are two ways to do that:

 1. Without Route Model Binding
 2. With Route Model Binding


use App\Models\Marka;

// Without Route Model Binding
Route::get("marka/{markaID}", function($markaID) {

   $marka = Marka::findOrFail($markaID);

   return view('marka.show', compact('marka'));


// With Route Model Binding
Route::get("marka/{marka}", function(Marka $marka) {

   return view('marka.show', compact('marka'));

})->name('marka.show'); // use name for easiness


@foreach($ispis as $marka)

    {{-- Without Route Model Binding --}}
    <a href="/marka/{{ $marka->MarkaID }}">...</a>

   {{-- With Route Model Binding --}}
    <a href="{{ route('marka.show', ['marka' => $marka]) }}">...</a>




@section('title', 'Show marka page')


   {{-- Display all information about marka as shown below --}}
   {{ $marka->MarkaID }}
   {{ $marka->ImeMarke }}


You can also move $callback function code in your MarkaController.php


use App\Http\Controllers\MarkaController;

Route::get("marka/{markaID}", [MarkaController::class, 'show])->name('marka.show');



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\Marka;

class MarkaController extends Controller
    public function show(Marka $marka)
       // With Route Model Binding

         return view('marka.show', compact('marka'));

CodePudding user response:

You can simply create a new view file called something like marka.blade.php, and then use the @include blade directive.


@include('marka', ['query' => $query])

Then $query will automatically be available inside your marka.blade.php view file because we have explicitly passed it through the @include directive.

Or, you can use blade components for this, which is the more modern approach.

Learn here: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/blade#components

CodePudding user response:

If I am understanding that you want users to click on the link and go to a new view, then you could perhaps pass the $query as a parameter in the href:

 @foreach($ispis as $marka)
     <a href="/marka/{{$query}}"  >
       <div >
         <img src="/logoimg/{{$marka->ImeMarke}}.png" alt="">

and cater for that in your web.php via:

Route::get('/marka/{query}', 'YourController@dosomething');

and your controller function would have something like:

    public function dosomething($query)
        //use $query

(this is just a rough idea but might point you in the right direction)

EDIT: JS Tech said it much better

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