I'm trying to implement the Google Maps (place) field auto-completion feature on my application, I'm looking at the Google documentation, but honestly I find it really complicated, from what I understand there is no package that can be downloaded via nuget to simplify everything, but you have to use a web server, is that correct? on the google site i found only code for javascript, tinyscript, css and html, but not even a line in C # I tried to google but hardly anyone seems to implement this feature on C #.
The first field you see in the picture must show the complete address and then each must show the value you see next to it, obviously the first textbox and those with "POI, STREET, CROSSROAD" must have auto-completion even without using the first textbox
Could you by any chance recommend me a video on youtube or a slightly simpler documentation?
thank you all!
CodePudding user response:
there are good documented google maps api wrapper on github. You will need an api key from google to connect with its services, but ist free for some hundred requests per month, if i remember correctly.