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Conditionally "preselecting" a radio button?


In my application, I have a page where the user selects a focus item from a table (see simplified example below, circles represent radio buttons):

Select Name Qty Description
apple 152 crisp red fruit
banana 253 soft yellow fruit
cranberry 124 small red berry
etc. etc. etc.

Each row is created like so from an item table, each item having the properties item_id, name, qty, and desc:

<tr ngFor="let i of items">
    <td><input id="selectedItem_{{i.item_id}}" type="radio" name="selecteditem" [(ngModel)]="selectedItem" [value]="i.item_id" (click)=selectItem(i.item_id) >

The selectItem(i.item_id) function updates a global variable global_selectedItem to be i.item_id, because the value is used on other pages within the app. That functionality works, but I would like it to be that if someone returns to this page, the radio button that corresponds to the currently selected item (i.e. when global_selectedItem == i.item_id) shows up as "checked". How do I do this? I've tried the following possibilities, none of which have worked.

<input id="selectedItem_{{i.item_id}}" type="radio" name="selecteditem" [(ngModel)]="selectedItem" [value]="i.item_id" (click)=selectItem(i.item_id) checked="global_selectedItem==i.item_id">

<input id="selectedItem_{{i.item_id}}" type="radio" name="selecteditem" [(ngModel)]="selectedItem" [value]="i.item_id" (click)=selectItem(i.item_id) [checked]="global_selectedItem==i.item_id">

EDIT: I have made a stackblitz for the problem.

CodePudding user response:

You are very close.

2 fixes:

  1. remove the ngModel
  2. add brackets around checked attribute


<input type="radio" 
  [name]="'selecteditem_'   i.item_id" 

Working stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-mofmnb?file=src/app/app.component.html

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