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Calling a function which is inside a exported function (Node.js)


In a Node/Next.js environment, I have a utility function exported like this:

export async function MyFunction(one, two, three) {
    var a, b

    // do some logic / save to context store, etc.


and I'm using it inside my pages/components like MyFunction("one",false,"three") , if I now have a inner function like:

export async function MyFunction(one, two, three) {
   var a, b

   function MySecondFunction(){
      a = 'a new value'
      b = 'b new value'
      // update some context stores

   // do some logic / save to context store, etc.



how can I run MySecondFunction() from outside (from my pages/components)? I found some examples but it all imply to return, the difference is here I don't have to return anything from either MyFunction or MySecondFunction

EDIT: to give more context, MySecondFunction() is a sort of "reset" of all the stores and variables set within MyFunction(). As a store management library I'm using Zustand, and I'm loading various stores, so I was wondering if I can call this "reset" (MySecondFunction) from the outside without having to require all the stores again in each component from which I'm willing to do the reset.

CodePudding user response:

You can also return the second function.

export async MyFunction(one, two, three) {
  // do some logic

  function MySecondFunction(four, five, six) {
    // do more logic
  // execute the second function from inside MyFunction (can be omitted)
  // MySecondFunction()

  // return the second function to be able to run it at a later time from outside.
  return MySecondFunction

//call just the first function
MyFunction("one", "two", "three");

//run the second function right after the first function
MyFunction("one", "two", "three")("four", "five", "six");

// if you want to execute the second function at a later time, you can execute MyFunction 
// and assign its return value (which is MySecundFunction) to a variable and execute it later.
let mySecondFunction = MyFunction("one", "two", "three");
mySecondFunction("four", "five", "six");

I hope this is what you mean.

CodePudding user response:

If your secondfunction is independent of firstfunction, then we suggest keeping that function outside of the first function.
Since you want to execute only the secondfunction but not firstfunction, either make both the functions inside an object.

pass an extra element to that particular function and if that's true, then execute only the secondfunction if not the complete function.

Like this :

export async function MyFunction(one, two, three, onlySecond=false) {
   !onlySecond && {
      // do some logic / save to context store, etc which is the part of firstfunction.
   function MySecondFunction(){
      // change some variables
      // update some context stores
   !onlySecond && {
      // do some logic / save to context store, etc which is the part of firstfunction.



Whenever you want to execute complete function, just call MyFunction(one, two, three) and whenever you don't want to call complete function rather want only the secondfunction, call it with one more parameter like this : MyFunction(one, two, three, true) This would be very bad fix but yes it works...
As a programmer, always follow the rules of DRY and KISS.
Hope this answer helps!

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