I have two data frames as an example below:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'URL': ['A','B','C'],
'X': [1,0,1],
'Y': [0,1,0],
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'URL': ['D','E','F'],
'X': [0,1,0],
'Y': [1,0,0],
I plotted a bar graph for the first data frame using the following code:
agg(Non_Tracking_websites=("value", lambda x: sum(x != 0))).\
And for the second data frame I used the same scenario and plotted the graph as below:
agg(Tracking_websites=("value", lambda x: sum(x != 0))).\
Now I want to merge the two bar graphs keeping the same scenarios as above. The final bar graph should look like this:
If anyone can help me, It would be great. Thank you
CodePudding user response:
You'll need to merge the two aggregated dataframe first
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In [1]: import pandas as pd
...: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'URL': ['A','B','C'],
...: 'X': [1,0,1],
...: 'Y': [0,1,0],
...: 'Z':[1,0,0]})
...: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'URL': ['D','E','F'],
...: 'X': [0,1,0],
...: 'Y': [1,0,0],
...: 'Z':[1,0,0]})
In [2]: agg_df1 = df1.melt("URL").\
...: groupby("variable").\
...: agg(Non_Tracking_websites=("value", lambda x: sum(x != 0)))
In [3]: agg_df2 = df2.melt("URL").\
...: groupby("variable").\
...: agg(Tracking_websites=("value", lambda x: sum(x != 0)))
In [4]: agg_df1.merge(agg_df2, left_index=True, right_index=True).plot(kind='bar
...: ')
CodePudding user response:
IIUC, use:
(pd.concat({'non tracking': df1, 'tracking': df2}, names=['type'])
.melt(['type', 'URL'])
.groupby(['type', 'variable'])['value'].sum()