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Row-wise Cumulative Mean Across Grouped Columns using Pandas


I would like to create multiple columns which show the row-wise cumulative mean for grouped columns. Here is some sample data:

import pandas as pd

data = [[1, 4, 6, 10, 15, 40, 90, 100], [2, 5, 3, 11, 25, 50, 90, 120], [3, 7, 9, 14, 35, 55, 100, 120]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4'])

   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120

What I want is to generate new columns like this:

  • New column a1_2 is calculated by the mean of columns a1 and a2 row-wise.
  • New column a1_3 is calculated by the mean of columns a1, a2 and a3 row-wise.
  • New column a1_4 is calculated by the mean of columns a1, a2, a3 and a4 row-wise.

The same should happen for the grouped columns with b. Of course you can do this manually, but this is not ideal when you have too many variables. Here is the expected output:

df['a1_2'] = df[['a1', 'a2']].mean(axis=1)
df['a1_3'] = df[['a1', 'a2', 'a3']].mean(axis=1)
df['a1_4'] = df[['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']].mean(axis=1)
df['b1_2'] = df[['b1', 'b2']].mean(axis=1)
df['b1_3'] = df[['b1', 'b2', 'b3']].mean(axis=1)
df['b1_4'] = df[['b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4']].mean(axis=1)

   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4  a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100   2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25 
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120   3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25 
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120   5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50  

So I was wondering if there is some automatic way of doing this?

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you can reshape with wide_to_long, perform a groupby.rolling, then unstack and flatten the multiindex:

   .wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), stubnames=['a', 'b'], i='index', j='n')
   .loc[lambda d: d.index.get_level_values('n')>1]
   .pipe(lambda d: d.set_axis(d.columns.map(lambda x: f'{x[0]}1_{x[1]}'), axis=1))


   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4  a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100   2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120   3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120   5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50

CodePudding user response:

groups   = df.groupby(lambda col: col[0], axis=1)
cummeans = (groups.cumsum(axis=1).div(groups.cumcount().add(1))
                  .rename(lambda col: re.sub(r"(\d )$", r"1_\1", col), axis=1))
result   = df.join(cummeans)
  • get the groups determined by 1st character of columns (or some other way depending on pattern)

  • get the cumulative means = cumsum / cumcount 1

  • filter out the very first cummeans, e.g., to-be a1_1 etc.

  • insert "1_" into the cummean column names

  • join with the original df

In [19]: groups = df.groupby(lambda col: col[0], axis=1)

In [20]: cummeans = groups.cumsum(axis=1).div(groups.cumcount().add(1))

In [21]: cummeans
    a1   a2        a3    a4    b1    b2         b3     b4
0  1.0  2.5  3.666667  5.25  15.0  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1  2.0  3.5  3.333333  5.25  25.0  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2  3.0  5.0  6.333333  8.25  35.0  45.0  63.333333  77.50

In [22]: _.filter(regex="[^1]$")
    a2        a3    a4    b2         b3     b4
0  2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1  3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2  5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50

In [23]: _.rename(lambda col: re.sub(r"(\d )$", r"1_\1", col), axis=1)
   a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1   3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2   5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50

In [24]: df.join(_)
   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4  a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100   2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120   3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120   5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50

as a "one" line:

df.join(df.groupby(lambda col: col[0], axis=1)
          .pipe(lambda gr: gr.cumsum(axis=1).div(gr.cumcount().add(1))
          .rename(lambda col: re.sub(r"(\d )$", r"1_\1", col), axis=1)))

CodePudding user response:


for c in ('a', 'b'):
    m = df.filter(like=c).expanding(axis=1).mean().iloc[:, 1:]
    df[m.columns.str.replace(r'(\d )$', r'1_\1', regex=True)] = m


   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4  a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100   2.5  3.666667  5.25  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120   3.5  3.333333  5.25  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120   5.0  6.333333  8.25  45.0  63.333333  77.50

Another option:

out = [value.expanding(axis=1).mean()
            .rename(columns = lambda col: f"{col[0]}1_{col[1]}") 
       for _, value in df.groupby(df.columns.str[0], axis = 1)]

pd.concat([df] out, axis = 1)
   a1  a2  a3  a4  b1  b2   b3   b4  a1_1  a1_2      a1_3  a1_4  b1_1  b1_2       b1_3   b1_4
0   1   4   6  10  15  40   90  100   1.0   2.5  3.666667  5.25  15.0  27.5  48.333333  61.25
1   2   5   3  11  25  50   90  120   2.0   3.5  3.333333  5.25  25.0  37.5  55.000000  71.25
2   3   7   9  14  35  55  100  120   3.0   5.0  6.333333  8.25  35.0  45.0  63.333333  77.50
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