I have 50 countries in a data frame and want to repeat the same regression model 50 times for each country. I have a column for country IDs:
Since I am analyzing imputed datasets, I am using "with" and "implist." For example,
model <- with(implist, lmer(happy~income age sex education city
How can I repeat this model 50 times for each country and see the coefficients of income and age for each country? I can split data to each country if it is more convenient. Any ways will be fine for me. Thank you in advance.
CodePudding user response:
I believe that there is a fancy tydiverse approach, but in base R that might work (can't test it without data):
perform.regression = function(a.country, implist){
sub.implist = subset(implist, country == a.country)
one.model = with(sub.implist, lmer(happy~income age sex education city
countries = unique(implist$countries)
sapply(countries, perform.regression, implist = implist)
CodePudding user response:
I would probably do something like this. As stated by others, it is difficult to help without any data:
implist |>
nest(data = -country) |>
mutate(model = map(data, ~lmer(happy~income age sex education city (1|school),
data = .x)),
tidied = map(model, broom::tidy))|>