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R loop to label test types across users ordered by date


Here is the reproducible dataset:

id<- c("U1", "U2", "U3", "U2", "U5", "U5")
date<- c("2020-02-01", "2020-05-06", "2020-04-01", "2020-07-09", "2020-11-01", "2020-12-01")
result<- c(1:6)
dt<- data.frame(id, date, result)
> dt
  id       date result
1 U1 2020-02-01      1
2 U2 2020-05-06      2
3 U3 2020-04-01      3
4 U2 2020-07-09      4
5 U5 2020-11-01      5
6 U5 2020-12-01      6

I want to create a loop (or maybe there is another way) that looks at the Unique ID's and test dates, and adds a new column to tell me which is the test number, ordered by those test dates. So the output would look like this:

  id       date result     type
1 U1 2020-02-01      1 Result 1
2 U2 2020-05-06      2 Result 1
3 U3 2020-04-01      3 Result 1
4 U2 2020-07-09      4 Result 2
5 U5 2020-11-01      5 Result 1
6 U5 2020-12-01      6 Result 2

U2 has two results, ordered by their test date, and U5 has two results, ordered by their test date. As a bonus question, I would also love to find the time difference between the various tests for each Unique ID, again as a separate column. So it would look like this:

id       date result     type       time
1 U1 2020-02-01      1 Result 1 First Test
2 U2 2020-05-06      2 Result 1 First Test
3 U3 2020-04-01      3 Result 1 First Test
4 U2 2020-07-09      4 Result 2    64 Days
5 U5 2020-11-01      5 Result 1 First Test
6 U5 2020-12-01      6 Result 2    30 Days

CodePudding user response:

We can group_by(id), arrange by date, then use row_number(). It is always advisable to convert dates to proper date class columns before any transformations.


dt %>%
    mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    arrange(date) %>%
    mutate(type = glue("Result {row_number()}")) %>%

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  id    date       result type    
  <chr> <date>      <int> <glue>  
1 U1    2020-02-01      1 Result 1
2 U3    2020-04-01      3 Result 1
3 U2    2020-05-06      2 Result 1
4 U2    2020-07-09      4 Result 2
5 U5    2020-11-01      5 Result 1
6 U5    2020-12-01      6 Result 2

For the bonus question,we can use a simple subtraction date - first(date):

dt %>%
    mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    arrange(date) %>%
    mutate(type = glue("Result {row_number()}"),
           time = date - first(date)) %>%

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  id    date       result type     time   
  <chr> <date>      <int> <glue>   <drtn> 
1 U1    2020-02-01      1 Result 1  0 days
2 U3    2020-04-01      3 Result 1  0 days
3 U2    2020-05-06      2 Result 1  0 days
4 U2    2020-07-09      4 Result 2 64 days
5 U5    2020-11-01      5 Result 1  0 days
6 U5    2020-12-01      6 Result 2 30 days
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