I'm new to ASP.NET MVC; I'm trying to create a dynamic table with buttons that add/remove rows when clicked using model states and not jQuery, so right now my page words but I was only able to create a button that removes the last added row and I really want a way to remove a specific row from my table by adding the "remove" option to table data.
Here's the code I have right now that is working and removing the last added row.
@{ for (int i = 0; i < Model.ValueModel.Count; i )
<tr id="Row">
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ValueModel[i].id, new SelectList(Model.ReplaceModel, "id", "Name"))
@Html.EditorFor(m => m.ValueModel[i].value)
<button name="submit" value="AddLine"> Add Line </button>
<button name="submit" value="RemLine"> Remove Line </button>
public ActionResult Test(TestModel model, string submit)
switch (submit)
case "AddLine":
model.ValueModel.Add(new ValueModel());
case "RemLine":
if (model.ValueModel.Count > 0)
model.ValueModel.RemoveAt(model.ValueModel.Count - 1);
return View(model);
The code works with my models which are not important for the question what I want to learn is a way to remove the line by adding it to a third <td>
in the view and using a similar action to
model.ValueModel.RemoveAt(model.ValueModel.Count - 1);
from the switch case "RemLine".
Something like this
@{ for (int i = 0; i < Model.ValueModel.Count; i )
<tr id="Row">
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ValueModel[i].id, new SelectList(Model.ReplaceModel, "id", "Name"))
@Html.EditorFor(m => m.ValueModel[i].value)
<button name="submit" value="RemLine"> Remove Line </button>
<button name="submit" value="AddLine"> Add Line </button>
public ActionResult Test(TestModel model, string submit)
switch (submit)
case "AddLine":
model.ValueModel.Add(new ValueModel());
case "RemLine":
if (model.ValueModel.Count > 0)
model.ValueModel.**BegoneLine**(The line in which the button is);
return View(model);
Thanks in advance!
CodePudding user response:
You need to send a row id with your 'remove' button and then read it in your controller. You can add buttons like this (per row):
<button name="submit" value="@(i)">Remove row</button>
<button name="submit" value="@(i)">Remove row</button>
public ActionResult Test(TestModel model, string submit)
switch (submit)
case "AddLine":
model.ValueModel.Add(new ValueModel());
case "RemLine":
if (model.ValueModel.Count > 0)
model.ValueModel.RemoveAt(model.ValueModel.Count - 1);
case string number when int.TryParse(number,out var index):
if (model.ValueModel.Count > 0)