Home > Enterprise >  How to run a docker image of ElasticSearch 8.4 with SSPL licence?
How to run a docker image of ElasticSearch 8.4 with SSPL licence?


I am developing a spring-boot application with the aid of the new ElasticSearch Java Client 8.4. I need an ElasticSearch server running on docker with same version. Otherwise, some queries may not be performed because of incompatibility issues.

I know that ElasticSearh is no more open source from version 7.10, and has 2 kind of licences as you ca read here: https://www.elastic.co/pricing/faq/licensing

Question is, how may I implement an Elasticseach server on Docker by using free licence? What should I do on Docker in order to choose SSPL license?


CodePudding user response:


No need to worry, by default you will be using the free license.


You can set it in the env.

Such as


The default is basic (SSPL license)


(Static) Set to basic (default) to enable basic X-Pack features.

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