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Type hint for a reference to a generic function in TypeScript


So in TS we have the generic identity function:

const identity = <A>(a: A) => a;

Of course, if we invoke that function then TS is able to infer the type parameter A:

declare const baz: string

const foo = identity("bar") // A = "bar", so typeof foo = "bar"
const bar = identity(baz) // A = string, so typeof bar = string

But if I try something like

import { foldMap } from "fp-ts/Array"
import { getMonoidAll, Predicate } from "fp-ts/Predicate"

declare const predicates: Predicate<string>[];

const concatPredicates = foldMap(getMonoidAll<string>())(identity);

then TS tells me that "Type A is not assignable to type Predicate<string> because it infers

typeof foldMap(getMonoidAll<string>()) = <A>(f: (a: A) => Predicate<string>) => 
(fa: A[]) => Predicate<string>

and it doesn't understand that if A = Predicate<string> then the identity function works and the construct above expects an input of type Predicate<string>[].

Of course, instead of using identity I could use (a: Predicate<string>) => a, but having to do that feels a bit cumbersome and I would really love to be able to take advantage of the generic nature of the identity function.

Is there any way to do so? Is there any way I can provide a type hint for a function reference? After all, the unnaturally verbose looking (a: Predicate<string>) => identity(a) works because in that case TS infers A = Predicate<string>.

CodePudding user response:

I’m not sure why TypeScript can’t infer the type of identity correctly, but you could do this as a workaround:

const concatPredicates = foldMap(getMonoidAll<string>())(
  identity as (a: Predicate<string>) => Predicate<string>

Alternatively (and what I prefer for this scenario), you could use concatAll:

import { concatAll } from "fp-ts/Monoid";

const concatPredicates = concatAll(getMonoidAll<string>());
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