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Bubble Sorting structures alphabetically by a last_name string


Here is my code for a bubble sort that is supposed to put the customer structs in order by the last name of the customer that is read in by ...last_customer. I am not sure why it isn't working.

    void sort_customers (struct customers *p_info, int num_customers) { 
    struct customers *p_temp,
   int current;
   for (current = 0; current < (num_customers-1); current  ) 0
      for(p_walker = p_info; (p_walker-p_info) > current; p_walker--)
         if (strcmp(p_walker->last_name, (p_info)->last_name) != 0)
            p_temp   = p_walker;
            p_walker = p_info;
            p_info   = p_temp;

Given the ideal input: Jones, Smith, Allen

This would be the ideal output: Allen, Jones, Smith

As you can see this loop is supposed to set the structures in order so that when i call the structure last names in a print function, they will appear in order.

CodePudding user response:


Hey, I think I found several problems in your code.

  • Both of your for loops don't have any {}
first loop
  • by using (num_customers-1) you skipped one element.
second loop
  • the for loop is never executed. Your condition is never met.
  • if you decrement the p_walker u "walk" in the wrong direction. I believe your pointer p_info is the lowest pointer in the array.
  • in general, I think the pointer arithmetic in the for loop is causing a lot of problems in readability and understanding. I personally would do the pointer arithmetic after you calculated your indexes in the loops.

Example from wiki:

void bubblesort(int array[], int length)  
   int i, j, tmp;

   for (i = 1; i < length; i  )
      for (j = 0; j < length - i; j  ) 
          if (array[j] > array[j   1]) 
              tmp = array[j];
              array[j] = array[j   1];
              array[j   1] = tmp;
if statement
  • you compared all your values you walked through with the start of your vector at p_info. I believe in typical bubble sort, you would compare with the next neighbor.
  • != 0 in your if statement would be true when the values(Strings) are greater and also if they are lesser. They would just switch all the time if the strings are not equal.
  • one of the swapping strings was at p_info. This would destroy your reference to the beginning of the string. And possible cause a seg-fault error.
  • if you want to use pointer arithmetic in the index of the second for-loop u need to swap the values of your structs and not only the pointers.

Possible Solution

full compilable solution

Your function in a way it should work.

void sort_customers (struct customers *p_info, int num_customers){
    struct customers *p_walker;
    struct customers temp;
    int current;
    for (current = 0; current < num_customers; current  ){
        printf("%s\n", "1");
        for(p_walker = p_info; p_walker < p_info (num_customers-current-1); p_walker  ){
            printf("%s\n", "2");
            if (strcmp(p_walker->last_name, (p_walker 1)->last_name) > 0)
                temp   = *p_walker;
                *p_walker = *(p_walker 1);
                *(p_walker 1)   =temp;

the input p_info is expected as a pointer to an array of struct customers * that are defined as followed:

struct customers{
    char* last_name;

CodePudding user response:

Some issues that I found:

for(p_walker = p_info; (p_walker-p_info) > current; p_walker--)

will not execute ever, as p_walker-p_info is 0 (after setting them to the same value that is).

strcmp does not directly tell you which last_name is alphabetically "later", only that they are different. So your code would swap the two customers always if they were of different name.

I tried to fix the code and came up with this (quite different):

void sort_customers (customers *p_info, int num_customers) 
    customers *p_temp = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i <= num_customers - 1; i  )
            if (strcmp( p_info[i].last_name, p_info[i-1].last_name) != 0)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < strlen( p_info[i].last_name); idx   )
                    if (p_info[i].last_name[idx] < p_info[i-1].last_name[idx])
                        /* found a difference, and i-1 th element is bigger (i.e. later in the alphabet) */
                        memcpy(p_temp, &p_info[i], sizeof(customers));
                        memcpy(&p_info[i], &p_info[i-1], sizeof(customers));
                        memcpy(&p_info[i-1], p_temp, sizeof(customers));
    }while(num_customers > 1);


An example main function with

typedef struct
    char last_name[5];
} customers;

int main (void)
    customers c[6] = {{"ghi"},{"abc"}, {"def"}, {"hij"}, {"sdf"}, {"auf"}};
    sort_customers(c, 6);
    for (int i = 0; i<6; i  )
    printf ("c[%d].last_name = %s\n", i, c[i].last_name);
    return -1;


c[0].last_name = abc
c[1].last_name = auf
c[2].last_name = def
c[3].last_name = ghi
c[4].last_name = hij
c[5].last_name = sdf
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