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Is there a better alternative for switch types with Cast


Having following example:

public class Test{
    public Animal DoSomething(AnimalCreateDto animal){
        Animal created;
        if(animal is DogCreateDto dogCreateDto){
             Dog dog = new(dogCreateDto);
             created = Create(dog);
        }else if(animal is CateCreateDto catCreateDto){
             Cat cat = new(catCreateDto);
             created = Create(cat);
        return created;

    private Dog Create(Dog dog){ ... }
    private Cat Create(Cat cat){ ... }

Is there any way to use e.g. the switch-case?

CodePudding user response:

Check out pattern matching

From the blog post above:

object obj = new Developer { FirstName = "Thomas", YearOfBirth = 1980 };

string favoriteTask;

switch (obj)
  case Developer dev when dev.YearOfBirth >= 1980 && dev.YearOfBirth <= 1989:
    // 1. This case is taken for the defined Developer object
    favoriteTask = $"{dev.FirstName} listens to heavy metal while coding";
  case Developer dev: 
    // 2. This case matches too, but it's defined after the first one that matches
    favoriteTask = $"{dev.FirstName} writes code";
  case Person _: 
    // 3. This case matches too for a Developer, as Person is a base class
    favoriteTask = "Eat and sleep";
    favoriteTask = "Do what objects do";

CodePudding user response:

Declare an abstract method in the base type and implement it in child types.

abstract class AnimalCreateDto
    public abstract Animal Create();

class DogCreateDto : AnimalCreateDto
    public override Animal Create() { /* Create Dog */ }

class CatCreateDto : AnimalCreateDto
    public override Animal Create() { /* Create Cat */ }

public Animal DoSomething(AnimalCreateDto animal)
    => animal.Create();

CodePudding user response:

The latest pattern matching (C#9) style would be

public Animal DoSomething(AnimalCreateDto animal) =>
    animal switch
        DogCreateDto dto => Create(new Dog(dto)),
        CateCreateDto dto => Create(new Cat(dto)),
        _ => throw new NotImplementedException()
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