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Formula to Format Succeeding Rows


I am trying to format the output of a report to allow me to import that data into another program. I have not found a way to manipulate the generated report into a more usable format.

The report is formatted with rows containing all the information for a certain product. If that product has additional codes/numbers that are associated with that product, they are listed in rows following the corresponding product. The problem is that those following rows are formatted completely different than the product rows they correspond with.

My goal is to concatenate all corresponding codes into Column 9, separated with commas.

A bonus would have all of the duplicates removed, but it would work even with the duplicates.

I honestly don't know if excel has the ability to achieve this, so any alternate ways to handle this would be welcome.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 Col8 Col9
53465 517 Brand1 083758314483 08375831448 044800 044800 Supp1
88565 517 Brand2 08375801599 08375801599 1599 Supp2
083758015991 5032501599 Supp2
88566 517 Brand2 08375801799 08375801799 1799 Supp2
083758017995 83758317996 Supp2
88567 517 Brand2 08375801999 08375801999 1999 Supp2
083758019999 5032501999 Supp2
75239 517 Brand2 83758420009 083758420009 322200 Supp2
083758432163 83758432163 Supp2
083758432187 83758432187 Supp2
083758432279 83758432279 Supp2
083758420009 83758432262 Supp2
53478 517 Brand3 083758298547 08375829854 085400 085400 Supp2
53479 517 Brand3 083758298554 08375829855 085500 085500 Supp2

Into this..

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 Col8 Col9
53465 517 Brand1 083758314483 08375831448 044800 044800 Supp1
88565 517 Brand2 08375801599 08375801599 1599 Supp2 083758015991,5032501599
88566 517 Brand2 08375801799 08375801799 1799 Supp2 083758017995,83758317996
88567 517 Brand2 08375801999 08375801999 1999 Supp2 083758019999,5032501999
75239 517 Brand2 83758420009 083758420009 322200 Supp2 083758432163,83758432163,083758432187,83758432187,083758432279,083758432279,083758420009,83758432262
53478 517 Brand3 083758298547 08375829854 085400 085400 Supp2
53479 517 Brand3 083758298554 08375829855 085500 085500 Supp2

CodePudding user response:

You can try the following formula in cell J2:

=LET(input, A2:H15, colA, INDEX(input,,1), colDE, CHOOSECOLS(input, 4,5), colAA,
  SCAN("",colA, LAMBDA(ac,item, IF(item<>"", item, ac))),
  map, MAP(colA,LAMBDA(a, IF(a="", "",
    LET(blankRows, FILTER(colDE, (colAA=a)*(colA="")),join,TEXTJOIN(",",,blankRows),
  FILTER(HSTACK(input, map), colA<>"")


  • We use several LET calls to avoid repetition the same element in the formula.
  • If you don't have CHOOSECOLS available yet ([Office Insider Beta only], Windows: 2203 (Build 15104), Mac: 16.60 (220304). You can use instead: FILTER(input, {0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0})or just to specify the range: D2:E15. I prefer to have less dependency on range specific information so the formulation is more robust. That is why I deduce it from a general variable (input) that contains the range.

and here is the output: sample excel file


The main idea is to fill the blanks of any of the columns so we can search by a given column value. I am assuming Col1 has unique values, so it is good candidate. The name: colAA, has the empty cells filled with previous value from Col1:

SCAN("",colA, LAMBDA(ac,item, IF(item<>"", item, ac)))

Note: It is assumed the first value of Col1 is never empty.

Now we use MAP (but also BYROW can be used) to find the content of columns: Col5, Col6 (columns D, E from the screenshot), that correspond to a given value of Col1. If the value is empty, then we return an empty string, otherwise we find the elements of the name colDE that corresponds to a given code (remember colAA has all the values filled) and the original colA has empty values. Once we have target subset (blankrows), we just need to concatenate the result delimited by , via TEXTJOIN function. The name map contains this result:

MAP(colA,LAMBDA(a, IF(a="", "", LET(blankRows, 
  FILTER(colDE, (colAA=a)*(colA="")),

In the case colA value is not empty but doesn't have additional blank rows, the FILTER function returns #CALC! (empty set, i.e. error) so we need to treat this special case. According to the sample data Col9 for this case is empty, so we return empty string.

The rest is just to build the final result via HSTACK and remove empty rows to avoid duplicates.

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