I am trying to add a product to a shopping cart in mongodb but the code I have written does not work. It was previously working but when I switched from local mongodb to mongodb atlas cloud and then back to local mongodb it started having issues because it will not use the cart that gets created when redirected to '/' root and instead will keep creating a new cart with a new req.session.cartId belonging to it each time a product is added to cart. I have had so many issues with this one section and it is the final part of my project to get working before live hosting. Any help is appreciated. thank you.
const express = require('express');
const Carts = require('../repo/carts');
const Product = require('../repo/products');
const cartShowTemplate = require('../views/carts/show');
const router = express.Router();
let cart;
router.post('/cart/products', async (req, res) => {
try {
cart = await Carts.findById(req.session.cartId);
// Check if cart exists
if (!cart) {
// Create new cart
cart = await Carts.create({
_id: req.session.cartId,
items: [],
// Check if product is present
const productIndex = cart.items.findIndex(
(item) => item._id === req.body.productId
if (productIndex === -1) {
// Create new product
_id: req.body.productId,
quantity: 1,
} else {
// Update existing product
cart.items[productIndex].quantity = 1;
// Save updated cart
await cart.save();
res.status(200).send('product added to cart!!');
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send('there was an error');
module.exports = router;
example of the array
the correct product gets added but a new cart with a new id gets created each time instead of using the same cart. I am not sure if this helps but what I noticed when I console.log(req.sessionID) it will show the same ID each time its console.logged but when console.logging (req.session.cartId) that will show as undefined when before it was showing an id.
carts schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const cartSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: String,
items: [
{ quantity: Number, _id: String }
const Carts = new mongoose.model('Carts', cartSchema);
module.exports = Carts;
CodePudding user response:
Try with this logic:
router.post('/cart/products', async (req, res) => {
try {
let cart = await Carts.findById(req.session.cartId);
// Check if cart exists
if (!cart) {
// Create new cart
cart = await Carts.create({
_id: req.session.cartId,
items: [],
// Check if product is present
const productIndex = cart.items.findIndex(
(item) => item._id === req.body.productId
if (productIndex === -1) {
// Create new product
_id: req.body.productId,
quantity: 1,
} else {
// Update existing product
cart.items[productIndex].quantity = 1;
// Save updated cart
await cart.save();
res.status(200).send('product added to cart!!');
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send('there was an error');
CodePudding user response:
I'm not really sure about this but it looks like you might have an issue with async methods.
This method does not have neither an await nor a callback function, so the proccess will continue (and maybe finish) without waiting for it to finish.
{_id: req.body.productId },
{ $inc: { quantity: 1 } }
https://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#query_Query-updateOne (If you look at the example there, it's being awaited)
On the other hand, you should get this block:
{ _id: foundCart._id },
$push: {
items: {
_id: req.body.productId,
quantity: 1,
(err, updatedCart) => {
if (err) {
Inside of an else block. So if you find an existing item with the id you try to update it, but only if you don't find it you'll push a new item into the cart.
It should look something like this:
if (check.includes(req.body.productId)) {
console.log('MATCH FOUND');
{_id: req.body.productId },
{ $inc: { quantity: 1 } }
} else {
{ _id: foundCart._id },
$push: {
items: {
_id: req.body.productId,
quantity: 1,
(err, updatedCart) => {
if (err) {
I hope that does the trick! :D