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String_Split function not splitting all strings from DB column


I am tasked with extracting unique values from record, from a previously used 'Notes' Nvarchar(max) field.

Number int,
Notes varchar(MAX))

INSERT INTO LWArchive(Number,Notes)
VALUES(1,'OGC 503360 / 503361 M303834 M303838 M303835 M303836 M303837 M303839 M303840 M303841 303842'),
(2,'OGC = Q.6773'),
(3,'DEED REF = 0001'),
(4,'OGC 50336 / 50336 M30383 M03038 M30383 M30383 M30383 M00303  M303840 M303841 M303842')

from LWArchive a
    CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(a.notes, N' ') s

The notes field contains multiple barcodes, which are all in a space delimited format.
E.G. 'M000001 M000002 M000003'

I have attempted to split the 'Notes' column using the query below:

from Archive a

Unfortuntely, while some have worked correctly, the split results are inconsistant. With a number of the barcodes remaining unaffected within the space delimited results. Example Below:


When the string isn't sourced from a column & entered manually into the function. It functions as expected. Example Below:


I am using SQL server 2019, however as this is legacy data. I've had to convert the database from compatibility 110 to 130 in order to access the String_Split function.

CodePudding user response:

As suggested in the comments you are likely finding an instance where the character is not a white space, but some other character.

DECLARE @string NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'M000001 M000002 M000003'

SELECT *, @string
  FROM STRING_SPLIT(@string,' ')
value   (No column name)
M000001 M000001 M000002 M000003
M000002 M000001 M000002 M000003
M000003 M000001 M000002 M000003

This splits as expected. We end up with 3 rows each with one of the delimited values. If we change one of those white spaces for a tab:

SET @string = 'M000001 M000002  M000003'

SELECT *, @string
  FROM STRING_SPLIT(@string,' ')
value           (No column name)
M000001         M000001 M000002 M000003
M000002 M000003 M000001 M000002 M000003

We can reproduce what you're seeing.

When I've faced similar problems I've found this technique to be useful:

;WITH cte AS (
SELECT @string AS completeString, ASCII(LEFT(@string, 1)) AS asciiCode, LEFT(@string, 1) AS this, RIGHT(@string, LEN(@string)-1) AS that, 1 AS charIndex
SELECT completeString, ASCII(LEFT(that,1)), LEFT(that,1), RIGHT(that,LEN(that)-1), charIndex 1
  FROM cte
 WHERE that <> ''

  FROM cte

This produces a result set for each character/glyph in the string and it's ASCII code.

completeString          asciiCode   this    that                        charIndex
M000001 M000002 M000003 77          M       000001 M000002      M000003 1
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       00001 M000002       M000003 2
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       0001 M000002        M000003 3
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       001 M000002         M000003 4
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       01 M000002          M000003 5
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       1 M000002           M000003 6
M000001 M000002 M000003 49          1        M000002            M000003 7
M000001 M000002 M000003 32                  M000002             M000003 8
M000001 M000002 M000003 77          M       000002              M000003 9
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       00002               M000003 10
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       0002                M000003 11
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       002                 M000003 12
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       02                  M000003 13
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0       2                   M000003 14
M000001 M000002 M000003 50          2                           M000003 15
M000001 M000002 M000003 9**                                     M000003 16**
M000001 M000002 M000003 77          M                           000003  17
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0                           00003   18
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0                           0003    19
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0                           003     20
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0                           03      21
M000001 M000002 M000003 48          0                           3       22
M000001 M000002 M000003 51          3                                   23

Now we can clearly see that character 16 is actually a tab (CHAR(9)) not a white space (CHAR(32)).

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