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Add title text to the center of path in d3


I'm creating an svg path and I need to set the Title at center of path. I've tried many example but failed.

Please check the code snippet. How do I add a each Title at it's center position?

Note: I just use path, not coordinates!

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const h = 300;
  const w = 300;

  const svg = d3
    .attr("height", h)
    .attr("width", w);

    .attr("d", (m) => m.path)
    .attr("stroke-width", "1")
    .attr("stroke", "#000")

    .attr("fill", "#fff")
    .text((m) =>m.title)
    .attr("x", (m) => m.id)
    .attr("y", (m) => m.id)
    .attr("transform", (m) => "translate("   m.id   ","   m.id   ")");

const map=[ {
    id: 0,
    title: "Title 1",
    path: "M 45.25 34.96 l -0.97 -3.35 l -0.97 -2.39 l 2.43 -3.35 l 1.94 -4.31 l 1.94 -5.74 l 3.89 -5.74 l 0.97 6.22 l 0.49 3.35 l 3.89 3.83 l 3.89 -0.96 l 0.97 3.35 l 3.89 0.96 l 0.49 2.87 l 3.89 1.44 l 0.49 1.91 L 76.36 34 l 2.43 -2.87 l 1.46 3.83 l 1.94 2.39 l 2.92 1.91 l 0.97 1.91 l 2.43 -0.96 l 1.46 1.44 l -1.46 3.35 l 1.46 1.44 l 1.94 1.44 v 0.96 l 3.89 -0.48 v 1.91 l 0.97 1.91 v 2.39 l 2.43 1.91 l -0.49 4.31 l 1.94 3.35 l 2.43 3.35 l -0.97 3.35 v 4.79 v 4.31 l -1.46 3.83 l 0.97 4.79 l -2.43 3.35 l -3.4 4.79 l -3.89 -0.96 l -5.35 -0.48 l -1.94 -3.83 l -2.43 -1.91 l 2.92 -5.26 l -1.94 -3.83 l -2.43 -2.87 l -3.89 -1.44 l -1.94 -1.91 l -1.46 -2.87 l -2.43 0.96 c 0 0 -0.61 -0.48 -1.94 -0.96 s -3.4 -0.96 -3.4 -0.96 l -2.43 -0.96 l -2.43 1.91 l -3.89 -0.96 l -3.4 -1.44 l -2.92 1.91 l -0.49 2.39 c 0 0 -1.58 -0.24 -3.4 -0.96 c -1.82 -0.72 -3.89 -1.91 -3.89 -1.91 l -0.97 -1.44 l 3.4 -1.91 l 1.94 -2.39 l -1.46 -2.87 v -6.7 l 5.35 -0.48 l 1.94 -1.91 l 1.94 -2.87 l 4.37 -1.44 l 0.97 -3.35 l 2.43 3.83 l 2.43 -1.44 l 1.94 -3.35 l -1.94 -2.39 l -1.94 -2.87 v -3.35 l -3.4 -2.87 l -4.37 0.96 l -2.43 -3.83 l -2.43 1.91 l -2.92 -0.48 L 45.25 34.96 Z",
id: 1,
title: "Ttitle 2",
path: "M 19.49 126.38 l -2.43 -4.31 l -2.92 -3.83 l 1.94 -4.31 l -4.86 -0.96 l 1.46 -7.66 l 3.4 -2.39 l -0.49 -2.87 l 1.94 -3.83 l 5.83 -3.83 l 1.94 -5.26 l -4.37 -2.39 l 2.43 -4.31 l 0.97 -4.31 l 5.35 -1.91 v -4.79 l 7.29 0.96 l 5.35 -1.44 l 7.29 4.79 l 1.46 -3.83 l 4.96 -1.03 l 4.27 1.51 l 3.89 -0.48 l 9.72 2.39 l 3.89 4.31 l 3.4 1.44 l 4.86 5.74 l -3.4 4.79 l 0.97 3.35 l -2.43 2.39 l -0.97 3.83 h -3.4 l -2.43 -3.83 l -1.46 2.87 h -2.92 l -1.46 5.27 l 1.94 1.91 l -2.43 0.48 l -2.92 4.79 l -0.97 2.87 l -1.46 2.87 l 1.94 2.39 l -2.92 0.48 h -1.94 v -2.39 l -6.32 0.48 v 3.83 h -2.43 l -0.49 4.79 l 2.92 1.44 l -1.94 1.91 v 4.31 l 2.43 1.44 l 2.92 2.39 l -0.49 3.35 l -3.4 0.48 l -2.92 -2.87 l -2.43 -1.44 v -1.92 l -3.4 -3.35 h -2.92 l -0.97 -3.35 l -5.35 -2.87 l 0.49 -2.39 l -0.49 -1.44 l -4.37 1.44 l -2.92 2.39 l -2.43 -2.87 L 19.49 126.38 Z",
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CodePudding user response:

If you just have the path data you can consider getting the bounding box of the paths and using the centre point of this box.

With irregularly shaped geographical regions this will differ from the location of the centroid, but the label will be more often than not appear centered 'enough'.

See the edits below:

  • The path is classed (as region) so we can select in the next step
  • Use d3 each over the selection of the regions and use getBBox
  • Find the centre of the bbox and use that to position the label
  • Use a text-anchor of middle

Working example:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const h = 300;
  const w = 300;

  const svg = d3
    .attr("height", h)
    .attr("width", w);

    .selectAll(".region") // <-- select the class
    .attr("class", "region") // <-- add the class
    .attr("d", (m) => m.path)
    .attr("stroke-width", "1")
    .attr("stroke", "#000")

    .selectAll(".region") // <-- now we can select the paths and get the bbox
    .each((d, i, nodes) => {
      const bbox = d3.select(nodes[i]).node().getBBox();
      const centreX = bbox.x   (bbox.width / 2); // <-- get x centre 
      const centreY = bbox.y   (bbox.height / 2); // <-- get y centre
        .append("text") // <-- now add the text element
        .attr("x", centreX)
        .attr("y", centreY)
        .attr("fill", "#0804ee")
        .attr("text-anchor", "middle")

const map=[ {
    id: 0,
    title: "Title 1",
    path: "M 45.25 34.96 l -0.97 -3.35 l -0.97 -2.39 l 2.43 -3.35 l 1.94 -4.31 l 1.94 -5.74 l 3.89 -5.74 l 0.97 6.22 l 0.49 3.35 l 3.89 3.83 l 3.89 -0.96 l 0.97 3.35 l 3.89 0.96 l 0.49 2.87 l 3.89 1.44 l 0.49 1.91 L 76.36 34 l 2.43 -2.87 l 1.46 3.83 l 1.94 2.39 l 2.92 1.91 l 0.97 1.91 l 2.43 -0.96 l 1.46 1.44 l -1.46 3.35 l 1.46 1.44 l 1.94 1.44 v 0.96 l 3.89 -0.48 v 1.91 l 0.97 1.91 v 2.39 l 2.43 1.91 l -0.49 4.31 l 1.94 3.35 l 2.43 3.35 l -0.97 3.35 v 4.79 v 4.31 l -1.46 3.83 l 0.97 4.79 l -2.43 3.35 l -3.4 4.79 l -3.89 -0.96 l -5.35 -0.48 l -1.94 -3.83 l -2.43 -1.91 l 2.92 -5.26 l -1.94 -3.83 l -2.43 -2.87 l -3.89 -1.44 l -1.94 -1.91 l -1.46 -2.87 l -2.43 0.96 c 0 0 -0.61 -0.48 -1.94 -0.96 s -3.4 -0.96 -3.4 -0.96 l -2.43 -0.96 l -2.43 1.91 l -3.89 -0.96 l -3.4 -1.44 l -2.92 1.91 l -0.49 2.39 c 0 0 -1.58 -0.24 -3.4 -0.96 c -1.82 -0.72 -3.89 -1.91 -3.89 -1.91 l -0.97 -1.44 l 3.4 -1.91 l 1.94 -2.39 l -1.46 -2.87 v -6.7 l 5.35 -0.48 l 1.94 -1.91 l 1.94 -2.87 l 4.37 -1.44 l 0.97 -3.35 l 2.43 3.83 l 2.43 -1.44 l 1.94 -3.35 l -1.94 -2.39 l -1.94 -2.87 v -3.35 l -3.4 -2.87 l -4.37 0.96 l -2.43 -3.83 l -2.43 1.91 l -2.92 -0.48 L 45.25 34.96 Z",
id: 1,
title: "Ttitle 2",
path: "M 19.49 126.38 l -2.43 -4.31 l -2.92 -3.83 l 1.94 -4.31 l -4.86 -0.96 l 1.46 -7.66 l 3.4 -2.39 l -0.49 -2.87 l 1.94 -3.83 l 5.83 -3.83 l 1.94 -5.26 l -4.37 -2.39 l 2.43 -4.31 l 0.97 -4.31 l 5.35 -1.91 v -4.79 l 7.29 0.96 l 5.35 -1.44 l 7.29 4.79 l 1.46 -3.83 l 4.96 -1.03 l 4.27 1.51 l 3.89 -0.48 l 9.72 2.39 l 3.89 4.31 l 3.4 1.44 l 4.86 5.74 l -3.4 4.79 l 0.97 3.35 l -2.43 2.39 l -0.97 3.83 h -3.4 l -2.43 -3.83 l -1.46 2.87 h -2.92 l -1.46 5.27 l 1.94 1.91 l -2.43 0.48 l -2.92 4.79 l -0.97 2.87 l -1.46 2.87 l 1.94 2.39 l -2.92 0.48 h -1.94 v -2.39 l -6.32 0.48 v 3.83 h -2.43 l -0.49 4.79 l 2.92 1.44 l -1.94 1.91 v 4.31 l 2.43 1.44 l 2.92 2.39 l -0.49 3.35 l -3.4 0.48 l -2.92 -2.87 l -2.43 -1.44 v -1.92 l -3.4 -3.35 h -2.92 l -0.97 -3.35 l -5.35 -2.87 l 0.49 -2.39 l -0.49 -1.44 l -4.37 1.44 l -2.92 2.39 l -2.43 -2.87 L 19.49 126.38 Z",
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