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Access nested XML - JavaScript


How do I access the Id attribute of Detail and colorName of Color.

For example: using x[i].getAttribute('No') returns 0002. How do I access Id="6" and colorName="orange". Thank you.

    <Item No="0001">
        <Detail Id="3">
            <Color colorName="green" />
            <Color colorName="yellow" />
        <Detail Id="4">
            <Color colorName="red" />
            <Color colorName="blue" />
    <Item No="0002">
        <Detail Id="5">
            <Color colorName="purple" />
            <Color colorName="pink" />
        <Detail Id="6">
            <Color colorName="grey" />
            <Color colorName="orange" />

The below code returns "0002":

var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Item");
Number = '0002';

for (i = 0; i < x.length; i  ) {
  if (x[i].getAttribute('No') === Number) //desc
    ans = x[i].getAttribute('No') // returns 0002

Tried x[i].getElementsByTagName("Detail")[i].getAttribute('Id'), but dint work

CodePudding user response:

The best way to query some nodes and list them is probably to use XPath

see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath/Introduction_to_using_XPath_in_JavaScript

You can run a query inside any node (referenced as contextNode) using :

const xpathResult = xmlDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, contextNode);

Which will give you a node iterator as a result, that you can then iterate using

let myVar;
while ( !! (myVar = xpathResult.iterateNext()) ) {
  //Do something with the result in myVar

Running example:

const SEARCH_NO = "0002";
const xmlDoc = loadXml(); //See function definition below
const rEl = document.querySelector("#results");

//Solution starts here

let xRes = xmlDoc.evaluate(`//Item[@No="${SEARCH_NO}"]`, xmlDoc.documentElement);
const foundNode = xRes.iterateNext();
if (foundNode) {
  xRes = xmlDoc.evaluate('Details/Detail', foundNode);
  let detailNode;
  while ( !!( detailNode = xRes.iterateNext() ) ) {
    const li = showDetail(detailNode.getAttribute("Id"));
    const colXres = xmlDoc.evaluate('Colors/Color/@colorName', detailNode);
    let colorTextNode;
    while ( !!( colorTextNode = colXres.iterateNext() ) ) {
      showColor(li, colorTextNode.textContent);

//Solution ends here

 * Show a found details node as a li
function showDetail(id) {
  const li = document.createElement('li');
  li.innerHTML = `<strong>Detail</strong> Id:  ${id}<ul></ul>`;
  return li;

 * Show a found color attribute as a li within li
function showColor(li, color) {
  const ul = li.querySelector('ul');
  const colLi = document.createElement('li');
  colLi.innerHTML = `<strong>Color:</strong>  ${color}`;
  return colLi;

 * Load the sample xml
function loadXml() {
  const xml = `
      <Item No="0001">
          <Detail Id="3">
              <Color colorName="green" />
              <Color colorName="yellow" />
          <Detail Id="4">
              <Color colorName="red" />
              <Color colorName="blue" />
      <Item No="0002">
          <Detail Id="5">
              <Color colorName="purple" />
              <Color colorName="pink" />
          <Detail Id="6">
              <Color colorName="grey" />
              <Color colorName="orange" />

  const parser = new DOMParser();
  return parser.parseFromString(xml, "application/xml");
body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
<ul id="results"></ul>

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