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Align text and icon in center of div


I create a rating scale has N with fixed width. Each rate has got a value which is shown inside of the correspective div and a description.

My problem is that the description and the relative icon are not align in center under the div but starts from the left.

  <div >
    <div >
      Rating values
    <div >
      <div >
        <div *ngFor="let scala of scalaRating; let i=index" style="width: 5rem">
            <button pButton type="button" label="{{scala.valoreRating}}" 
                    [class.rounded-left]="i == 0" [class.rounded-right]="i == (scalaRating.length - 1)"
                    style="background-color: {{scala.codColoreValRating}}; color: black; width: 5rem">
          <div *ngIf="rating == scala.valoreRating" >
            <i ></i>
            <div  style="word-wrap: break-word; left: -1rem">{{scala.descrizioneValRating}}</div>

I want the icon and description positioned in center like in the image(I marked with red color the desire position): enter image description here

Here there is the example code:

enter image description here

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