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How to map an array that is inside another in react


I am having trouble with array mappings. There is an array with data I would like to bind to my component. It looks like the following:

export var arrayObjects: IObjects[] = [
    name: 'First Object',
    icon: 'bi bi-capsule',
    subMenu: [
            name: 'First Sub Object',
            path: ''
            name: 'Second Sub Object',
            path: ''

The array's type is an interface IObjects which contais name, icon, path and subMenu: IObjects. I need to access the subMenu items in order to create a dynamic menu. Althought, everytime I try to map and call the objects there is no return.

Below you'll be able to see how the mapping I made goes:

    { arrayNavCadastros.map((item:any, subMenu: any) =>(
       <li className="nav-item">
        <i className={item.icon}></i>
        <a href="">{item.name}</a>
         { subMenu.map((name:any) =>(
           <a href="">{name}</a>
     )) }

I also tried doing something like <a href="">{item.subMenu.name}</a> but there is also no return.

I'm new to react but I'm used to do these kind of bindings in Angular, which seems way easier since you should only do a loop inside the other subMenu from the arrayObjects... I would appreaciate any help!

Note: when I map the first properties of the arrayObjects (which, from the example, returns 'First Object') it works as well as all the titles for the sub menus.

CodePudding user response:

so you have array in subMenu and in each iterate you have object of element so you need to change this :

 { subMenu.map((name:any) =>(
           <a href="">{name}</a>

to this :

 { subMenu.map((sub:any) =>(
           <a href="">{sub.name}</a>

CodePudding user response:

Few pointers

provide a key for items in the array

    { arrayNavCadastros.map((item:any, subMenu: any) =>(
          key={item.id} // key for React to know which item to udpate, when array updated
        <i className={item.icon}></i>
        <a href="">{item.name}</a>
         { subMenu.map((item:any, idx: number) =>(
           <li key={idx}> // key and might need li
             <a href={item.path}>{item.name}</a>
     )) }

or you can create a child component

    { arrayNavCadastros.map((item:any, subMenu: any) =>(
          key={item.id} // key for React to know which item to udpate, when array updated
        <i className={item.icon}></i>
        <a href="">{item.name}</a>
          <SubMenu items={subMenu} />
     )) }

//child component
const SubMenu = ({ items = []}) => {

  return (
             { subMenu.map((item:any, idx: number) =>(
               <li key={idx}> // key and might need li
                    <a href={item.path}>{item.name}</a>


New React documentation has helpful information on working with array

Hope it helps

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