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Docker volumes in different containers and system paths


I have access to a centos 7.9 machine with Docker installed. For this example I will be playing with the nginx image and the directories /usr/share/xml/fontconfig and /usr/share/nginx/html. You can see that these directories contain some important files for nginx:

root@f7990388c7d0:/# ls /usr/share/nginx/html/
50x.html  index.html
root@f7990388c7d0:/# ls /usr/share/xml/fontconfig/

Let's create a volume, attach it to an nginx container at /usr/share/nginx/html and make sure we can see the files both on the server and on the container:

[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker volume create my_volume
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container run -d --name container1 -v my_volume:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker volume inspect my_volume
        "CreatedAt": "2022-11-09T14:46:38Z",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my_volume/_data",
        "Name": "my_volume",
        "Options": {},
        "Scope": "local"
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/my_volume/_data
50x.html  index.html
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container exec -it container1 ls /usr/share/nginx/html
50x.html  index.html
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container exec -it container1 ls /usr/share/xml/fontconfig

All good so far. Now, let's suppose that we mount the same volume on a different container, and on a different filesystem path:

[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container run -d --name container2 -v my_volume:/usr/share/xml/fontconfig nginx
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/my_volume/_data
50x.html  index.html
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container exec -it container2 ls /usr/share/xml/fontconfig
50x.html  index.html
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container exec -it container1 ls /usr/share/xml/fontconfig
[cloud_user@eb993010811c ~]$ docker container exec -it container1 /bin/bash
root@f7990388c7d0:/# ls /usr/share/nginx/html/
50x.html  index.html
root@f7990388c7d0:/# ls /usr/share/xml/fontconfig/

We can see that the Docker server does NOT see the fonts.dtd file, and container2's directory contents have been effectively usurped by those contained in the /usr/share/nginx/html directory of container1. Additionally, container1 s directory contents are UNaffected by this process.

From a security / stability standpoint, I can understand that it would probably make little sense to have a volume with files corresponding to different filesystem paths. But is it possible to do this through some different means? There will have to be use-cases for this, there's a use-case for everything.

CodePudding user response:

Answered in comments of question.

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