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Weblogic managed server startup error Security services unavailable


Consult everybody a great god, weblogic managed server startup error, has been not solve, please teach, thank you for the

CMD command as follows:
D: \ Oracle \ Middleware \ Oracle_Home \ user_projects \ domains \ base_domain \ bin \ startManagedWebLogic CMD Server - 2 HTTP:

Sted exception is:
Java.net.MalformedURLException: For input string: "" & gt;
Enter the username to boot WebLogic server: admin
Enter the password to boot WebLogic server:

Server side log events will be written to this file. & gt;
On: com.bea.com mon. Store. Service. StoreInitializationException: [099060] Security: The URL specified for The data store connection is invalid: ldap://null: 1, both please check all The host configuration parameters. The.
Weblogic. Security. Service. SecurityServiceException: com.bea.com mon. Engine. ServiceInitializationException: com.bea.com mon. Store. Service. StoreInitializationException: [099060] security: The URL specified for da
Ta store connection is invalid: ldap://null: 1, both please check all the host configuration parameters.
The at weblogic. Security. Service. CSSWLSDelegateImpl. InitializeServiceEngine (CSSWLSDelegateImpl. Java: 341)
The at weblogic. Security. Service. CSSWLSDelegateImpl. The initialize (CSSWLSDelegateImpl. Java: 220)
At weblogic.security.service.Com monSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. InitializeServiceEngine (CommonSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. Java: 1861)
At weblogic.security.service.Com monSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. InitializeRealm (CommonSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. Java: 440)
At weblogic.security.service.Com monSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. LoadRealm (CommonSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. Java: 845)
Truncated. See the log file for complete stacktrace
Under Caused By: com.bea.com mon. Engine. ServiceInitializationException: com.bea.com mon. Store. Service. StoreInitializationException: [099060] Security: The URL specified for The data store connection is invalid: ldap://nu
Ll: 1, both please check all the host configuration parameters.
At com.bea.com, mon. Engine. Internal. ServiceEngineImpl. FindOrStartService (ServiceEngineImpl. Java: 365)
At com.bea.com, mon. Engine. Internal. ServiceEngineImpl. FindOrStartService (ServiceEngineImpl. Java: 315)
At com.bea.com, mon. Engine. Internal. ServiceEngineImpl. LookupService (ServiceEngineImpl. Java: 257)
At com.bea.com, mon. Engine. Internal. ServicesImpl. GetService (ServicesImpl. Java: 72)
The at weblogic. Security. Service. Internal. WLSIdentityServiceImpl. The initialize (46) WLSIdentityServiceImpl. Java:
Truncated. See the log file for complete stacktrace
Mon. Under Caused By: com.bea.com store. Service. StoreInitializationException: [099060] Security: The URL specified for The data store connection is invalid: ldap://null: 1, both please check all The host configuration parameters.
At com.bea.com, mon. Ldap. Properties. LDAPStoreServicePropertiesConfigurator. ConvertStoreProperties (53) LDAPStoreServicePropertiesConfigurator. Java:
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